Chapter 8 | He's Not A Pet

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Inpu's POV

The day was off to a very slow start.

I've already had 3 meetings, only 1 I actually wanted to bother with, and that was the one with my doctor to make sure Bryan would be able to survive anastatic for his surgery.

It wasn't a long meeting, which annoyed me a bit since I wasn't able to get him a ride home, so I just had him sitting next to me at my desk while we didn't have anyone coming for a meeting, otherwise he'd be standing at my side so I still seemed serious to other mafia bosses.

I could tell that my rougher tone in meetings was slightly scaring Bryan, but I was more so doing it because I needed whoever came in to focus on me.

One of the maids found an old hoodie of mine when doing laundry and gave it to Bryan so he could hide his wings, but it was one of the ones I wore when I'd help my father while I was in high school so a few that recognized it did try to point it out.

There weren't any meetings I had to deal with till later in the day, so I was doing some paperwork while Bryan was drawing in his sketchbook.

Helios and Shade weren't far from us, Helios was chewing on a ball while Shade was sitting at my side on alert, as usual.

Eventually, we heard knocking on the door and assumed it was one of my men bringing in a report from a recent pickup I sent them on.

However, when the door opened, it wasn't one of my men, it was River, which made me more annoyed then anything.

"Inpu, it's good to see you in person for a change"

"I thought I told you not to come in unless you set up a meeting first, come back at another time"

I didn't really look up from my paperwork, but I glanced at him enough to realize he was staring at Bryan.

He took a few steps forward and I quickly smacked my desk to grab his attention, but I think I startled Bryan too.

My mind quickly started to go fuzzy, I knew this conversation was just going to make me angry, but I wasn't fully sure why just yet.

"Come on, Inpu, I'm just here to talk about the body you sent me"

"So that's what this is about?"

"Well, when you wake up to a body at your front door with a note that says don't try that again, you tend to get a bit angry"

Bryan glanced at River, then back at me, then back to his sketchbook, but it was easy to tell he was still paying attention.

"You had him break into my home and he attacked my roommate, it should be easy to tell that I'd want to get rid of someone who could get in"

"I know you call him your roommate, but be honest, you just call him that so no one wants to take him for themselves"

"For the last time, I'm not keeping him as a pet, he really is just my roommate, leave him alone"

By now, Bryan was just staring at his sketchbook, which was fair, I never told him about mafia ranks, so he wouldn't know why River was referring to him with that kind of intention.

Shade was now looking at River and giving him the death glare I had him give anyone who seemed to be pressing my buttons.

River was still eyeing Bryan and the second I looked away, he was right in his face.

Bryan was seemingly handling it relatively well considering I never thought to prepare him for this.

"If you wouldn't mind, can you please step away from me?"

"Don't worry, darling, I simply want to take you away from the dog"

Bryan glanced over to me and it was clear he was uncomfortable, so I started to walk over to him, help him up, and put myself in-between both of them.

"River, this would be the best time for you to leave, if you really do have a problem about how I decided to deal with the goon you sent to break into my home, then do what you normally do and schedule a meeting and come back another time"

"No, not until I get your little pet"


Both River and Bryan seemed to flinch from me raising my voice, but River got the point and left.

I waited until I couldn't hear his footsteps in the hallway before I directed my focus to Bryan to make sure he was ok.

We didn't exchange any words, I just walked over to him, and looked for anything that River may have left on him.

"Inpu, why did he call me a pet repeatedly?"

"Its technically a mafia term, but I'm not sure if you could describe it as a job or not"

"Can you please explain it to me? That whole interaction made me feel awkward"

"The best I can describe it as, is a roll used for those who are given to mafia as a way to pay their debt, usually it depends on the person and whoever is in charge, but they are typically given a job depending on what's needed for a certain mafia group"

"So he thought I was yours then? What would have to happen in order for me to become one?"

"I wouldn't plan claiming you as one unless your mother couldn't truly get back on her feet because I doubt your father would pay his debt, and I know you'll be out of work for a good bit of time"

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say some mafia trade pets based on the fact he seemed to want me badly?"

"Unfortunately, yes, I've told him multiple times about our deal, but he refuses to listen"

"...So if I were to become your pet, what would my job be?"

"Well, I don't have a job that I think would suit you that well, so you'd just get to sit there and look pretty for me"

"So I'd have to do what I already seem to do for you?"

"I guess so"

I ended up finishing work sooner then I expected and my last meeting was really fast so we quickly made our way home and spent the rest of the day resting at home.

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