Chapter 23 | Preparations

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Bryan's POV

As soon as Flix texted me so I knew when to head over, I nearly ran there.

I was excited to actually have a formal outfit made by someone other than me, since it would be the first time I had a formal outfit made.

Flix met me at the door and brought me into her office so we could start planning.

Once we entered her office, she grabbed her notepad and a pencil then we started planning.

I gave her the note Inpu told me to give her, and she started to note a few things down, then turned to me to get my ideas.

"Assuming I have to use all of Inpu's suggestions, I have a fairly good idea for part of it, but I want to know what you expect from it, lets start with colors"

"I was told it had to be something extravagant due to the fact I'm considered a high rank since I'm Inpu's fiancé, so I was thinking gold a white to complement the black and red I have for his outfit"

"That would work, are you thinking about doing a suit or something else?"

"Well, I want to wear a suit, but I have no dress shirts to put under it that would be comfortable with my wings since all of my dress shirts are cotton"

"I can either make you one with silk, or you could always do something different, if you don't have any ideas I have a few that my spouse used when we got married"

"I'll hear what you got, but on the other hand, since when were you married"

"I married my spouse after we turned 18, so before we met, but they used a body suit as an undershirt and you wouldn't have been able to tell unless you were told"

"That sounds like a good idea, I'll try that"

"It would need to be modified a bit to not only work with your wings, but also follow Inpu's suggestions because I don't want to deal with him if he gets mad because instructions weren't followed"

"I'm really curious as to what he put on the list, but he wouldn't tell me"

"He has a note on his list not to let you know, but I will say that it looks like you're either getting lucky, or he's doing it so he can enjoy a view that would be pleasant for him"

"Oh, great, that'll be fun to deal with"

"Its mostly suggestions for what you'd wear under the suit, I have a feeling he only suggested it the way it did because he didn't want anyone else to see it"

"I know I'm going to enjoy being married to him, but I feel like there are going to be times were I won't be able to stop him, mostly when its clear he's lustful"

"Have you had to deal with a full moon yet?"

"What do you mean deal with a full moon?"

"He's a canine hybrid if I'm not wrong, and all canines and some felines have a phase every three months where they feel a strong emotion for 24 hours, worst part is its completely random what emotion they will feel"

"So what I'm getting is every three months on the full moon I need to worry if my fiancé will attack me due to an emotion surge"

"More likely he'll try to avoid you or be clingy on that day, unless he has anger or lust you should be fine"

"Why would I need to worry about lust?"

"You said it yourself that you both talk dirty almost daily, which means when he's lustful and its more powerful, he's more likely to try something"

"Why do you know so much about canine and feline emotion spikes?"

"My high school ex was a wolf hybrid who often became aggressive and my spouse is a feline who gets it every six months instead of three"

"Does the emotion very depending on hybrid?"

"Probably, my spouse has a different emotion every five times if I remember correctly, but it could be different for canine hybrids"

"Ok, note to self, research that when I get home"

"Anyways, anything else you want to add for your outfit?"

"Maybe a mask, its a mafia party so I don't know if I really want to show my face"

"That's doable, any type of mask in particular or just a masquerade mask?"

"You know what, surprise me, I think you'll figure something nice out" 

She started to sketch a few things in her notebook while we started to talk about things that were coming up in both of our lives.

During our conversation, our boss came in and handed me an assignment that I could start at home and finish once I returned to work full time.

We kept working for a bit before Flix finished the sketch.

"Did you want to see the final design, or be surprised when its fully done?"

"I trust you, send it to Inpu for approval, then surprise me if he says its ok"

"Dang, you trust him that much"

"Well, I plan to marry him so I hope I would"

"Hey, either way, good for you, anyways, any other plans before the party?"

"Inpu said he planned an appointment so I can at least get my hair cut if not styled, he found a place that gives me access to special items to groom my wings, and he also booked me an appointment at the spa down the road"

"Damn, he really is spoiling you, don't know about the other two, but the spa down the road is super hard to get into, and if you want to get in quickly you have to pay a large amount of money"

"How much is it usually?"

"I went like twice and both times I booked for like three months out and still had to pay about $1000 for just myself, a private room is about $5000 and add another $2500 to have it booked for a week in the future"

"I'm gonna scold Inpu for paying that much for me"

"Hey, you'll appreciate it when you actually go"

"It just makes me wonder why he's doing it"

"Angels tend to be more beautiful when they're relaxed or calm, so he's probably going to plan it for the morning of the party"

"Why do you know so much about hybrids"

"Because of my parent's mafia connection, everyone thought being friends with me would give their families debt, so I never had any friends so I would often read about different hybrids because I couldn't ask anyone"

"That must have been lonely"

"Not really, I still managed to get a girlfriend and even though it didn't last, it was fun, so when my current spouse introduced themself to me after we broke up, we kinda just clicked and I married them so it ended out nicely"

We kept talking for a bit, then Inpu texted me asking me to head home before he got home since he had a few things he wanted to give me for the party.

I was a bit annoyed that he spent more money on me, but I knew no matter what I did, I wouldn't be able to stop his little habit.

I said goodbye to Flix and left soon after.

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