Chapter 31 | Gender Reveal

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January 26th

Bryan's POV

It was a calm day.

I had really only gone outside to walk the dogs since I had the day off so there wasn't much to worry about.

The orb had kept flashing different colors earlier, so I knew to day would be the day we find out the gender.

Everyone was at work, so I was alone most of the day, which didn't bother me since I had a few things to keep my mind distracted.

I had made a list of wedding plans that I just needed to set in motion, but it seemed to be harder than I thought it would.

It was only as difficult as it was since I had to deal with the dogs barking at each other, making sure the orb wasn't doing anything dangerous despite the fact it couldn't move much, and guards entering the office every now and then to check that I was still there.

After about three hours of me working for the most part non stop, one of the servants came in and told me that Izanami came to visit.

She has been doing it a lot since she found out Inpu and I were having a kid, and I didn't mind, she was actually a big help, with the exception that every now and then, she'd try to speak to the orb and it would get upset which ended up being what the extra glow meant.

The servants let her in and I left the office soon after to meet up with her since she said that she wanted to show me certain things like how to change them and what to expect.

We spent a few hours of her showing me the basics of being a parent, then we decided to sit on the couch and talk for a few hours when I noticed the orb's color started to pick a single color.

"I didn't expect it to change so soon"

"What did you not expect to change? Is the orb changing color bad?"

"Not at all, it just means I get to know the little one's gender soon"

"Will I be able to tell or will you not tell me?"

"Well, it picks one color then changes the shade, I won't tell you what shade means what yet since Inpu wanted to be the first to know the gender since I told a few other people we were expecting before him"

"Why didn't you tell him first?"

"It was eating me up inside thinking he'd be mad at me and think it wasn't his, so I didn't tell him for the first month, I only intended on telling Magnus, but two of my co workers found out on accident"

"Its not the worst in the world, but I think the second you found out you should have called him"

"Had it been the second kid, I probably would have, but its the first one, so I didn't really know what to do"

"Fair enough"

The color on the orb fully settled and I could tell it was a girl, but Izanami just looked at it and let out a gentle smile.

"Are you happy with the gender"

"I was going to be fine with whatever it would be, but its what Inpu wanted which makes me happy"

"I'm glad, if you'd like to call him, you can excuse yourself"

"I'll tell him tonight, are you staying for dinner or..?"

"Magnus and I already made plans to go elsewhere for dinner, I will be leaving soon"

"Alright, don't get jumped on the way there"

"Don't worry, I'll stay safe"

Izanami left soon after and I went to finish a few things before dinner.

Once I finished dinner, I went to the office to continue working on wedding plans when Inpu called me.

"Hello, darling"

"Hi, love, how was your day?"

"My day was fine, I know you texted me earlier saying you were working on wedding plans, how are those going"

"They're going well, Flix gave me a few cards for different theme planning, so I'll be meeting with them soon"

"Any ideas on what you're going to wear yet?"

"Not exactly, I know I want to wear a black and gold suit since they are both my colors, then I need to also figure out what Crystal should wear since I'll likely be holding her the entire time"

"Well, that sounds like it'll be- wait, what did you find out the gender!?!"

"Yup, it became a bright color, so we will be a little girl"

"Wow, I was not expecting to get what I was hoping for"

"You get to be a father to a little girl, how does that sound?"

"It sounds awesome, I can't wait to come home so I can see her"

"Speaking of when you get home, I was planning to have the wedding be the day after you get home so we can spend some time together then that night I go hand out with Flix for the night then have the ceremony the next day"

"That would work well, I'd like to see you at least a bit before we need to be apart before we get married"

"It also would be good for you to meet your daughter"

"Yeah, I still can't believe that I called it"

"Had you told me five years ago that I'd be married to a mafia boss and would have a kid with him I'd call you crazy"

"Same for me, I always thought angels were out of my league, so the fact I have you at home and that I'll have my own puppy with you soon, its just exciting to me"

"Is the reason your family calls babies "puppies" because of your canine genes, or is there another reason for it?"

"My mother was actually presented to my father as a pet when he started up the mafia, so when I was born, my father called me his puppy since I was born from his past pet and current wife, so its kinda just a rank thing"

"Well, I'm sure it'll be a rank suiting of our girl"

"She'll be raised by a largely mafia family and an angel, she'll probably be very proper in the way she acts and dresses but she'll be incredibly deadly"

"I can't wait to see what she's like at home, if she's anything like you, she'll defiantly have a pretty big soft spot for her family"

"That reminds me actually, I should probably tell my dad soon, he wants to play the long game now, but I'm sure if I tell him about the fact I'm going to have a kid soon, he'll want to speed it up so he can also meet the little one"

"When you tell him, just make sure he knows not to ask me tons of questions, most of them I don't have the answers to"

"Alright, will do, I should probably go to make sure everything is in place so we can hopefully finish up soon and I get to be home soon"

"Ok, I'll talk to you soon and hopefully see you soon"

Inpu hung up shortly after and I went back to working on plans.

I ended up loosing track of time and passed up at the desk.

After a few hours, I was awoken by one of the maids and ended up going to my room so I could fall asleep in my bed.

Once I placed everything where it was meant to be for the night, I went to lay down and the dogs cuddled up next to me.

The orb began to glow again, which got me thinking, I'd sing to it every night when she became agitated, but I think it was less, she was agitated, and more she wanted to hear me sing.

So I sang to her while and ended up passing out in the middle of the song.

I think she would have been more upset, but she could feel that I was already tired based on my voice, so she must have stopped glowing since when I woke up the next morning, she wasn't glowing.

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