Chapter 10 | Stress Working

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Inpu's POV

After weeks of talking about it, the day of Bryan's wing surgery was here.

I had him come to my office with me since my office had an operating room due to the fact it wasn't uncommon to report in after a job with gun shot wounds that needed to be taken out immediately.

Some of the guards on staff I had wait outside to make sure no one would break in as to keep Bryan safe while he couldn't do anything.

Being completely honest, I wasn't handling it well, it was getting to the point I was willing to go do any jobs I hadn't given out yet just to keep myself busy.

I knew he'd be fine since angels heal relatively fast, so I wouldn't need to worry about any temporary paralysis, but it was mostly a muscle surgery so that was going to be most of his recovery.

My father was constantly texting me since tomorrow he'd be bringing the woman he saw fitting to lead the mafia with me, and it wasn't helping my nerves much.

There were a few meetings I had to do that wouldn't take that long, but they wouldn't happen till later in the day so I still didn't have much to do other than paperwork.

Magnus stopped by and decided to hang out with me to help me with my work since, the one day I want the extra work, my sibling comes to help me with the extra work.

"Hey, I have a deal with a new mafia in another town, maybe they could be a good ally"

"What are they asking for? They always ask for something before planning a meeting"

"At least 3 men who know how to care for angels, they say they have angels work for them if they're in bad situations because they can't be accused for a crime in their city"

"Send them, I'd be more angry about the request for people, but giving 3 is fine when you have hundreds or even thousands"

"Who should I send?"

"I have a list of guards from when I was picking one for when Bryan goes out alone, give 2 3 and 4, I barley send them on missions, we'd be fine without them"

"Father said you were mostly working on paperwork today, you never do that, what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you, but I need you to promise not to tell whoever father brings for me tomorrow"

"Alright, I usually hate whoever he brings anyways, what's up?"

"I have feelings for Bryan, but because of my deal with father, neither of us are willing to act on our feelings"

"How do you know he feels the same way?"

"He doesn't fight me, run from me, and he listens to me if I just need someone to listen"

"I don't see how that shows he feels the same way"

"I've kissed him, and it was easy to tell he liked it as much as I did"

"How so?"

"When I wrapped my arms around him, he wrapped his around me, and when we separated, he was blushing"

"Yeah, that would make it easy to tell"

"I just wish there was some way I could be with him and get dad off my back"

"Then find a reason to get rid of the girl father has you be with, then confess to him and be with him"

"Easier said then done, he tested her and she isn't a gold digger, I'd need to find another reason"

"Dad is getting too good at picking people, granted, all of them still haven't lasted more than a year, but they keep lasting longer than the last"

"Yeah, that's what I'm worried about, what if I can't find a reason to get rid of her?"

"Well, you could always have an ally kill her then when they're asked about it, they can just say she owed money to them and they weren't not going to get it because she was with you"

"You've thought about that a lot, haven't you"

"Yeah, I really don't like the people father has chosen for you and I'd rather you be with the angel over any of dad's picks"

"Glad to know you respect my type"

Magnus and I went to finish our work then once the meetings were over, we went to the recovery room and decided to wait for Bryan, which ended up being worse for my nerves compared to being in my office working to try and clear my mind.

I ended up putting my headphones in and started to listen to a meditation video that I caught Bryan listening to before we left this morning.

I finished the video, which seemed to helped a bit, then a few minutes later, Bryan was rolled out.

He had bandages on his wings and his back around the base of his wings, which I expected, but they seemed tighter than I thought.

When he woke up, he was very loopy, as expected, but clearly wanted to go home.

After a few more hours to make sure he was ok, I got him into loose clothes so he was comfortable, then carried him to my car and we left for the night.

Once we got home, he started to mumble something while I tried to just get him to his room.

I soon placed him on his bed and went to make sure all of the meds the doctor wanted him to take were all sorted out for the morning.

While I was checking everything over, I noticed a small box that was labeled as being from someone named Flix.

It took me a bit to realize who that was, then I realized that Bryan was talking with an old friend of his who also worked in the fashion industry that he was working with.

I decided to leave the box alone and finish what I was doing, then I went to do a final check on Bryan before I went to bed.

After I finished my final check, I was about to leave, but I felt something weakly grab me, so I turned around and looked at what it was.

Bryan had grabbed my arm the best he could, and he was mumbling a bit, but I was able to tell that he wanted some form on comfort.

I gently put his arm back down, went over to the door, and called one of the maids.

I made sure they put the dogs in my office for the night because I didn't want to risk either of them hurting Bryan by mistake in their sleep.

Then I went back over to the bed and sat down next to Bryan.

What started as me just sitting there, rubbing his back to hopefully take away any small bit of pain, ended up as me laying on his bed, with him on top of me, making sure he was as comfortable as he could be.

All I could do was look at him in amazement, he didn't once fight me on even a tiny detail when we planned how his recovery would go, it just made me wonder how much he truly trusted me.

I let a few more minutes pass, then I looked at him one last time before I ended up letting myself pass out.

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