Chapter 61 | Pain Relief

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Inpu's POV

I woke up and quickly looked at the time since I woke up in my office.

It was about two in the morning, so I was confused as to why the office door was open and Artemis was no longer with me like he was when we fell asleep.

Although I felt like I should just sleep in my own bed after making sure my kids were asleep, I knew I should check around the house to make sure no one got in.

Before I even got up to do it, I heard a faint beep from the kitchen, which made me realize that Bryan said that Atlas had a habit of staying up late and getting food early in the morning.

I went to check it out, but instead of just confronting whoever it was, I decided to just to turn the lights on and surprise them.

As I got to the kitchen, I heard two people talking and realized it was two of them, but one of them seemed to be whimpering, which started to make me worry.

All I could see was two sets of purple eyes just glowing in the dark, so before I turned on the lights I tried to listen to what was going on.

"Alright, the towel is warmed up if you want to cover your ears with it, but I don't know how much it will help"

"Why does this have to hurt?"

"We'll figure it out soon, bud, who knows, maybe dad has the answer"

Once I heard that, I turned on the lights and saw Artemis and Crystal just sitting in kitchen.

"Dad has the answer to what"

"Ok, wasn't expecting this right now"

"Can I just go to bed?"

"Neither of you are going to bed until you tell me what's going on?"

"Artemis has on and off ringing in his ears, but every doctor we've taken him to can't find the issue and he hasn't had any proof of hearing issues"

"Did they ever take the tag out of his ears when he was a baby?"

"Tag? What's that"

"When canine hybrids are little, doctors put a tag in their ears because of how sensitive they are, but they're meant to be removed once they turn one, did you never know that?"

"We've never heard about that from anyone, any ideas on why no one has ever told us that?"

"My guess, you didn't go to any doctors that specialize in canines, I can check if that's the issue since it has been known to cause ringing if left in for more than a year"

I went to check Artemis' ears, but the second I got close, he tried to run from me.

He only ran behind Crystal's leg, but he pulled a towel over his head so I couldn't do anything.

Crystal just picked him up and took the towel while she tried to distract him so I could check.

The tag was there, so knowing it had to be removed, I pulled his ears up and just went to grab it.

Artemis started to scream and tried to put his ears down, but with me trying to grab stuff out of them, he wasn't very successful.

I could tell it wasn't the most comfortable to him, and I felt bad, but it was for his own wellbeing that I had to be as invasive to him as I was.

Once I got the second one out, Crystal gave the towel back to him and put it over his head which seemed to help calm him down.

"So may I ask why a warm towel helps him calm down?"

"The warmth from it soothes pain, we use a warm towel for most pain relief, but other than that we just use healing magic"

"Wish I knew of that sooner, that would probably help me whenever I get into a fight"

"Yeah, now if you don't mind, I'm going to put Artemis back in his room and go back to bed"

"You can do that, but before you do that, do you know how I fell asleep in my office?"

"Artemis gave you his sleep cuddle"

"Sleep cuddle?"

"He never grew out of the habit of clutching onto people from when he was born, and with the way he does it, its not uncommon to fall asleep from it"

"How often does he do it?"

"When Papa is home, it happens to someone every other day"

"Alright, noted, I don't know if I'll like that or not"

"While you figure that out, I'm going to get Artemis back to bed and go back to sleep myself"

"Mind if I watch you? I'm not fully sure what I'm doing"

"Piece of advice, Artemis only gets put to bed when he wakes up in the middle of the night, but its the same as when you put the rest of us to bed when we were little"

"Really? Does he really not need to be put to bed?"

"We're all reminded around different times to go to bed, but over the summer we don't have any set time, but usually Papa tells us to go to bed and we go to bed"

"Damn, you guys really are loyal to him"

"He did raise us to be loyal to those we are meant to respect, that probably contributes to it"

Crystal eventually put Artemis in his room while I watched from the door, just trying to figure out if I should ask her about the mafia.

Once she left the room, she started to head to her room, but I decided to stop her.

"I know you don't look at the mafia the greatest, but I was still interested if you wanted to at least see what happens"

"May I ask why you bring it up now? You had all day to talk to me about this, but why didn't you bring it up then?"

"Bryan and I made an agreement when you were born that when our kids turned 16, they'd have the option to see if they wanted to join or not, we wanted you to have the choice"

"What if I say no?"

"Then that's your choice, I was planning to bring you with me tomorrow while Magnus watched your siblings, but only if you want to come with, you have till I leave tomorrow to decide"

"I'll do it"

"You knew that fast?"

"I was already thinking about it, I knew with me becoming an adult in a few years, I'd have the option to take over, but I wanted to see what it was like first"

"Alright then, wake up early tomorrow because I leave at six am tomorrow"

She just nodded and went back into her room for the night.

I went to bed shortly after I double checked that the triplets didn't also wake up.

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