Chapter 21 | True Love

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Bryan's POV

I was mostly just working on a practice project Flix gave me to work on so I had a head start on when I returned to work.

Helios was just running around playing with whatever toys he could find and Shade was taking a nap, so I was using them to distract me from whatever Inpu was planning.

He hadn't returned yet and it was making my curiosity grow even more.

'What could he be planning?'

Eventually, I got a bit hungry, so I went into the kitchen so I could get something to snack on, when I heard the elevator open.

Inpu walked in and quickly made his way behind me while I worked on making something to eat.

He quickly started to snuggle into the side on my neck, trying to get my attention, but I was curious as to what would happen, so I tried to pretend I didn't notice him to see what would happen.

What started as me just staring at what I was doing with a blank face, soon turned into me trying my hardest not to smile since he seemed to be trying to rub his ears on my neck so I became flustered.

"Dove~, I know what you're trying to do~"


"Stop ignoring me~ it'll just be worse for you later~"


"Do you know what happens when a kitsune hybrid, even if they aren't a full kitsune, gets impatient with a lover?"

"Can't say I do, would you like to enlighten me?"

Without even saying a word I felt Inpu start to bite my neck then lick the spots where he drew blood.

It defiantly startled me, but after a bit, it started to tickle so I started to laugh.

"Alright, alright, I get the point, you can stop"

"Good, anyways, whatcha making?"

"Just an acai bowl, I got hungry and the maids left for the day, so I have to fend for myself with food, so I figured something healthy would be a good thing to make"

"Think you can make an extra?"

"Already ahead of you, I knew you would ask"

"You know me so well"

I finished making what would end up being our dinner, and we both went to sit down in the living room since we both wanted to watch a show we had been streaming recently.

We finished eating and started to cuddle up.

Inpu was taking up a good chunk of the couch and I was sitting on top of him while we watched our show, but it was clear to tell Inpu had something on his mind.

"You ok? You're not usually this quiet when it comes to watching a show, you normally talk about plot points with me"

"Yeah, just a lot of stuff on my mind"

I paused the show and ended up sitting up enough I was looking him in the eyes.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Well, there is one thing I wanted to talk about, and I guess now is a better time than never"

"And that would be?"

"You know how earlier I said I had a meeting that would keep me away from home for a while"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I've been thinking about it since I heard I'd have to do it, and I don't think I'd be able to come home knowing you wouldn't be here"

"Oh? Why do you bring that up, there's a good chance I'll still be living here"

"I know, but I don't want to come back, and have the person I want to marry be gone"

It took me a few seconds to realize what he said, but when it did hit me, I just looked at him in shock.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I know it isn't exactly like how we discussed it, but I don't want to leave knowing there is a chance it could be the last time I see you, so will you marry me and promise to always be by my side?"

"Before I give my answer, where did this suddenly come from?"

"When I found out I had to leave for my meeting with my father, I did some thinking, and I realized that if I came home and you had left me, I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself for letting the one person who really understands me, leave"

"What would your plans for a wedding be?"

"Simple, I'd let you plan it, it could be as extravagant as you want, and we set it for the day after I get back, all of it would be your choice"

I stayed quiet for a bit, really trying to consider what life would be like if I accepted or denied, and I could see he was worried as to what my answer would be.

"I'll do it, I think I'd like staying with you more than being alone"

Before he even responded, he just pulled me closer and kissed me.

"I did get you a ring, you questioning me just caught me off guard"

"Well, you didn't even need it for your proposal, I just like how charming you are"

"I'll still give it to you later, I don't want anyone to think you don't belong to anyone"

"Was this just a way to claim me as your own?"

"Not intentionally, but it does come with the downside of being considered my pet until we get married"

"Well, you said all I would need to do it sit still and look pretty for you so I guess it'll be an easy job"

"You know what it also means?"


"You get to deal with my own puppies"

"If they'd be anything like their father, I wouldn't mind it that much"

"How would our own children even look, you're an angel and I'm just a canine mix"

"Let's not think about that right now"

"You just don't want the thought of responsibility right now"

"No~ I just don't want kids right now"

"Isn't that confirming what I just said?"

"Not in my book"

We continued to stay cuddled up on the couch for a bit, eventually nearly falling asleep.

Inpu managed to get out from under me and wrapped me in a blanket.

He gently lifted me up and moved me into his room.

I just felt him rub my back as he got comfortable again.

All I knew was that I just wanted to stay like this despite the fact I knew it would take some time to actually do this every day.

But all I could do was enjoy it, so I did.

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