Chapter 26 | First Day Gone

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Here is where chapters get a bit of a time skip, each chapter for a bit will be one day in a month that will have the date (not including the year since I have no ideas on timeline) until further notice

August 29 (I know I said it was getting colder earlier in the story, but I like to think its a world without any global warming issues or its just an area that gets cold late July to early August)

Bryan's POV

The next morning came and I just barley was able to tell that Inpu left due to how early he left.

I didn't get out of bed till about noon since I was still feeling a bit weak from the night before, but I didn't regret it.

Once I was up for the day, I decided to use the home office to get most of my work done so I just had to sew stuff once I got back to work.

Some of the maids were removing any of the dirty laundry we had from the night before, when one of them decided to come up to me.

"Um, Sir Bryan, Helios hasn't left the room Sir Inpu asked us to clean and every time we try to move him, he growls at us"

"I'll try and drag him out, where is he sitting"

"Under the bed"

I went to where Helios was, and it seemed like he was protecting something.

Upon further inspection, he was protecting something that was glowing, so I went to grab it, and he let me.

It took me a few seconds to realize what it was, but when I inspected it further, it was an angel orb.

Shock filled me as I realized that the one thing I feared for so long, was actually happening, but I wasn't as upset as I thought I would be.

I told the maids not to worry about what it was, and I just went to my room so I could call Magnus.

Inpu left me their contact info in case I needed something, and I figure this was probably the best time to ask them for help.

After I asked them to come over, they arrived as soon as they could.

"Alright, I'm here, what's wrong?"

"Well, Inpu and I may have had an...interesting night last night, and now I have an angel orb that will eventually be mine and Inpu's child"

Magnus was quiet for a bit, clearly trying to process the information I just gave them.

"Ok, I'm going to help you any way I can since my brother and father aren't home, but we can't tell my mom no matter what"

"Why not?"

"She will kill you if she finds out you had a kid born before Inpu gets home, she always thinks the worst of people when she thinks they had a kid with someone else despite being with another person"

"I can understand that she'd be suspicious, but would she really just assume that just because I suddenly have a child that it wouldn't be Inpu's?"

"Unfortunately she would, angels are strange to her and despite the fact she could always do her research, she refuses to, so until Inpu gets home, try to avoid telling her"

"And I thought your mother liked me.."

"I'm pretty sure she does, but I don't think it'll change how judgmental she is"

"How the heck am I going to tell Inpu..."

"Why do you worry about telling him, he'd be as happy as he could be about it"

"What if he thinks the worst and thinks I'm just using the kid as a way to anchor him to me?"

"He won't, don't worry about it"

"You promise you won't tell him?"

"I won't, this is something you need to tell him, just don't wait too long to tell him"

Magnus stayed a bit longer to try and calm my nerves, then they ended up leaving so they could do checks with all of the people they sent out for the day.

I ended up just going in my room so I could make a mini nest for the orb so it wouldn't move and if for some reason it became a premature fade, the kid would be comfortable until I could better prepare.

Once I finished my mini task, I got a call from Inpu which I was hesitant to answer.

After a few minutes, I finally answered the phone and before I heard Inpu, all I could hear was yelling on the other end.

"Hello? Anyone there?"

"Bryan! Hey, sorry, they just started yelling because of a bad plan that was recommended, give me a moment"

It when quiet for a second and I heard Inpu yell at whoever was talking in the other room then they became quiet.

"Everything ok over there?"

"Yeah, a few people don't seem to be listening to those with more power, and its driving everyone else insane since none of us are used to it, I've just been trying to keep my patients by thinking of you"

"Aww, I'm glad I'm keeping you grounded to reality"

"Me too, anyways, how has your day been so far?"

"Its been fine, I just got some of my work done then Magnus came over to do a check in on me before going to check on mafia stuff"

"That's good, anything you think you'd be interested in wearing?"

"There is one, it'll take me a bit to get the materials for it, but once its done, I think you'll like seeing me in it every now and then"

"Well then, I can't wait"

"I have a random question for a hypothetical situation I thought of earlier, mind if I tell you so you can answer it?"

"Alright, what's the question"

"If us being physically involved the night before you left lead to an angel orb appearing, if you just came home to a child, would you believe its yours?"

"Well, if the timing aligns correctly and the kid has at least a bit of resemblance to me, I'd believe it, why?"

"I had a dream last night after you left and it was of me finding an angel orb and you not believing me that it was yours"

"Hey, I want you to know that I would never not believe you as long as you don't make a habit of lying to me"

"Alright, to add onto my question because Magnus mentioned that your mother was a bit judgmental to others, but if an angel orb was found and you weren't home, would she believe that it was actually yours?"

"It would be a bit hard to tell, but for the most part I don't think she'd believe you, she wouldn't kill you as long as Magnus is there, but there would be a good chance that she would DNA test the kid without your permission to do it"

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind, I was going to check the room to see if the maids left anything and wanted to keep it in mind if my dream ended up being a kind of calling"

"Well don't forget, any of the toys I left there you can use if you really miss me"

"Yeah, if I miss you I'm just calling you, I'm not going to that unless I'm really desperate"

"I know, I'm just messing with you, I need to go deal with something, I love you"

"Love you too, bye"

"Bye, my love"

He hung up shortly after and I just laid down on my bed trying to process what to do next.

So much happened in such a short amount of time and I only had a few people I was actually willing to tell.

Most of my worries weren't gone, but I at least knew Inpu wouldn't leave me once he arrived home.

I ended up just curling up in my bed letting my mind wander until I ended up falling asleep.

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