Chapter 44 | Protecting Family

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Inpu's POV

My dad had called in a few different orders recently for a private party he was invited to that was outside of mafia stuff, but it didn't stop him from convincing Bryan to making him a new outfit for the party.

It annoyed me a bit since he would need to leave early in the morning, so I didn't get to see him much before I had to go to work.

I hated waking up alone in the apartment, it just reminded me of before I met Bryan since I was so used to doing it in the past.

A few of the servants had knocked on the door to let me know that food was ready, so I grabbed a bit of food before I had to go to work.

Work was mostly uneventful, which felt good since it was the first time in a while I didn't go to work and have to deal with a mafia war.

As I was driving home, I got a call from my mother which I picked up since my husband and daughter were with her.

"Hey, mom, everything ok?"

I didn't hear a response at first, I just heard Crystal crying which started to make me worry.

"Anyone there"

"Yes, I'm here, sorry, Inpu, I must have called by mistake"

"You sure? I heard Crystal crying, did something happen?"

I could hear Bryan yell at someone in the background which made me worry a bit.

"If you're covering something up, say so now, I hear my husband yelling and my daughter crying, I'm getting upset at the fact you're not saying anything"

"Promise you won't do anything rash?"

"Depends, if its something I need to deal with right away, I will do it"

"Your father met with Bryan today so he could deal with last minute things he needed for his party outfit, but as they were leaving the cafe they were meeting in, someone was waiting for your father and tried to shoot at him and nearly shot Bryan"


"Bryan and Crystal are fine, Crystal didn't like the loud noise but is fine, Bryan on the other hand is yelling at your father since your father tried to play it off as an everyday thing"

"I can understand why, he isn't meant to be in that much trouble as anyone else in the mafia because most people aren't meant to know his face"

"The culprit is being investigated, we don't know who it is, but we have a feeling its related to the mafia war"

"Send Bryan home, I know he took his car, just tell him to take the long way since it avoids cameras and main roads where eyes can look into the car easily, I'll talk to him about it when I get home"

"Alright, I'll send him home now, please let me know if you need help with anything"

"Will do, talk to you another time"

I drove home as soon as possible since I didn't want anything else to happen.

Once I got home, while I was in the elevator waiting to go up to the apartment, I could hear Crystal still crying which worried me since she had never cried this long before.

I entered the apartment soon after and saw Bryan trying to calm her down but failing at it.

He noticed me walk in soon after and motioned to me that he needed help.

One of her favorite toys was left on the table, so I grabbed it and walked over to Bryan and picked her up.

"Jellybean, its ok, you're fine as long as I'm here"

"I tried everything, she just won't calm down, the sound of the gun followed by my scream must have terrified her"

"Lets go sit in the living room, maybe she'll be calm if both of us are calm"

We ended up going to the living room and sat down on the floor, trying to calm down so Crystal would calm down, but nothing still seemed to be working.

She was just holding a few of her toys, just gripping them tight since they were stuffed animals.

It seemed like nothing would work and we were starting to consider just letting her cry herself to sleep, until the dogs came into the room.

Helios heard her crying and just sat down next to her while Shade sat behind her, watching the door for anyone who might come in.

She started to pat Helios' head, who just nuzzled his head into her belly which made her start to laugh.

Now relieved that she was calming down, we decided to finally talk about what to do next.

"Sooo, I know this was unexpected, but how do we deal with this going forward since they will know about me now"

"I'd say I can get guards for you guys, but last time we tried that you kept escaping the apartment"

"We can't deal with another dog right now, an infant is already hard enough, we don't need another puppy"

"Helios is trained enough to keep you safe, but I don't think he'd be able to keep you safe if someone is unknowingly pointing a gun at you"

"I don't want to quit my job, but I'm not sure if I can work from home which doesn't help"

"I don't want to make you quit since I know you like your job, I'll drive you to work if you can't change where you work, but worst case, you stay here and I'll make sure you stay protected"

"For now, we'll play it by ear, I think I'll be able to work from home which will be good for Crystal since she'll be home more"

"Do you want me to do anything to help you feel more safe?"

"Maybe have a few more guards at home while you aren't here because then there is less worry while you're not here"

"That's doable, I'll make sure its done quickly, then we hope you can work from home so we have even less to worry about"

"Yeah, I'll ask tomorrow when I clock on, are you working tomorrow or no?"

"I was going to work tomorrow, but if you are going to work tomorrow, I'll stay home so Crystal doesn't leave the apartment"

We agreed on the plan and stayed quiet for a few minutes before Bryan decided to speak up.

"You think keeping her inside for however long the war goes on will be fine?"

"As long as it stops before she turns five, I think it'll be fine since she isn't missing any socialization with others her age"

"But what if it doesn't? We'd still need to drop her off at school then bring her home, any friends she makes there would only see her at school and she'd have no social life outside school"

"That's why I'm trying to make sure its delt with soon, this is a group located in a nearby city, so as long as we find them and take them down, it should be dealt with in at most two years"

"Just don't leave me for good, I don't think I'd be able to handle it if I woke up one morning to find out this damn mafia war got you killed"

"Oh, honey, don't worry about that, believe it or not, this isn't the worst thing I've been through"

"That doesn't make me feel better"

"I figured, but this time I have other things that I need to keep an eye on"

"Do enlighten me"

"Well, what kind of man would I be if I left my husband and daughter because I had to keep my business running"

"Just don't leave me without any notes saying where you are, when you don't I get scared thinking something happened"

"Alright, I promise I'll let you know if I leave last minute, I don't want you to worry that much when I leave"

"Thank you, love"

We sat in the living room, just letting Crystal play with the dogs for a bit before she started to get tired.

Bryan and I ended up getting her into bed before we went to bed ourselves.

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