Chapter 66 | Child's Craft

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Inpu's POV

Despite having almost all the people I hired do something to help make moving easier, none of them were listening to directions which just made me stressed.

Most of the appliances were put in place, so thankfully, it was just moving furniture that I knew would be needed until further notice, but it was still annoying me.

The kids were keeping to themselves in the kitchen, so I wasn't worried about them, but I kept seeing them take turns peaking over to what was going on because I just kept having to raise my voice at the moving people.

Around the end of the day, I just sat down on the couch and tried to calm myself down because of how annoyed I was from what I had to work with.

All I planned on doing was closing my eyes for a bit before ordering takeout, but right before I had the chance to close my eyes, the smell of baked good filled the air.

Confused as to what was going on, I went into the kitchen where Lotus and Artemis still were and the two of them seemed to be baking.

"When did we get stuff for you guys to start baking?"

"While you were yelling at the moving people, Crystal borrowed your car and took us to get groceries, she said it would be better for us to have some stuff so we don't constantly get takeout"

"So you started baking with Artemis helping?"

"Its more me giving Lotus ingredients while they mix and use the oven"

"Ok, whatcha making?"

"We decided to make muffins and croissants so we had stuff for breakfast tomorrow"

"I'm guessing you don't have anything for dinner then?"

"No, we figured you'd order takeout, so we were starting a debate about what you'd order"

"Fair enough, I'm gonna close my eyes for a bit, any chance you have enough stuff left over for cookies?"

"Yeah, what kind do you want?"

"Chocolate chip, but make enough for us to save for tomorrow, I want to save some for your other father"

Lotus just nodded and I went back to the couch where I ended up taking a nap.

When I did wake up, Shade was doing familiar things which just consisted of staring at the wall where any light left coming in was.

I just looked at him before I heard the front door open which was when he went to greet whoever was at the door.

I heard him jump up since his tag let out a small jingle, then I saw the kids walk in.

They had food with them which told me that I was out longer than I wanted, so I just started to rub my eyes before getting up.

"Please tell me my dog isn't doing anything bad"

"All he's doing in sitting on Crystal's shoulders, nothing bad"

"And to think at one point he was a 120 pound shepherd"

"We just ended up getting sushi, I remember you said you liked it, so we just got a good amount of everything cause worst case we also have lunch tomorrow"

"Whatever works, sorry I fell asleep so long, guess I just needed sleep"

"How long did you sleep last night?"

"About 3 hours, I was working last night because of a last minute issue" 

"You probably should sleep a bit longer tonight, papa gets back early in the morning and you don't want him to notice that you're sleep deprived"

"Damn, thanks, Crystal, for worrying about my health over what your other father will see"

"No problem"

I just rolled my eyes before helping her set the food on the table.

Once all of us sat down at the table, we started to have random conversations about our days, which was mostly conversations about what the kids did all day.

It was pretty late at night, so I knew Artemis should've been in bed by now and the other should've at least been getting ready for bed.

I didn't really worry about it until I got a call from Bryan.

"Each of you finish eating quietly then sneak to your rooms, Bryan will kill me if he learns that none of you are ready for bed"

They all just nodded while I went to pickup the phone.

"Hello, my love~"

"Are you going back to when we started dating for a reason?"

"Well, when we started dating I couldn't easily do it, but I have the rest of my life to call you whatever I desire" 

"Fair point, anyways, how was your day?"

"My day was pretty chill, Lotus did some baking, that's about all I know about what the kids did today"

"Let me guess, you were stuck at work today?"

"Yeah, had a few people go do a pickup, they never returned, sent someone to look for them thinking they just stole what we got, they were found dead with the package gone"

"Fun, I always get close to forgetting you run a mafia only for something like this to happen and I remember"

"Just out of curiosity, what's the worst memory you have with me working as a mafia boss"

"God where do I start, probably about three instances come to mind"

"Just say the word and I can deal with it"

"None of it hasn't already been dealt with, but when I was called at around midnight because you were shot while I was caring for our oldest, when you had to join a mafia fight right outside the apartment after the triplets were born, and when I was shot the day Arti was born"

"Yeah, that tracks, I promise you I'll find a better home for us so we can live safer"

"You really don't need to, all I ask is that we get better security, I just want to feel safe at home"

"I know, but the apartment is in the middle of a city and you lived in the suburbs for years, you're probably used to quiet and I feel like you deserve it"

"Aww, you have your mind in a good place, but if you don't feel like moving, then don't, I don't want to be the reason you move away from a place you're happy"

"How did I get so lucky with you?"

"I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and your workers knew they fucked up"

"Ha! Ain't that the fucking truth"

"I'm still glad it happened though"

"The kids have made it very clear with how they talk about the two of us, anyways, anything interesting you're doing?"

"Just repacking, I ended up getting some new material so I was thinking of making us some kind of couple outfit"

"That would be cute, what do you have in mind?"

"Its a surprise~"

"Oh you really have my interest now"

"It would take a bit of time anyways, so you'll have to wait, but I know its pretty late over there so you should go to bed, see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow, love you"

"Love you too!"

I hung up the phone and went to check each of the kids.

Once I knew they were all either in bed or close to falling asleep, I decided it was best for me to also go to sleep.

Mafia Boss And His Love | Brypu Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now