Chapter 45 | Stuck At Home

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Bryan's POV

After a few days, I started to work from home and it was causing me to get a bit bored.

Whenever I worked from home before, it would be while Inpu was at home, so I wasn't a huge fan of being alone with Crystal while I was working.

I would have brought it up to Inpu, but I figured it would just take some getting used to.

The home office had become the room I was usually in at home now, but it was better than other rooms since Inpu kept the weird stuff in his other office so I didn't need to worry about Crystal getting into trouble.

Soon, I heard Inpu walk in after he finished work, which didn't surprise me, so I just went back to working.

I heard the door open soon after, and I knew exactly who walked in.

"You're home early, did something happen?"

Inpu didn't say anything, he just walked over to me, and moved me so instead of sitting on the chair, I was sitting on his lap.

"Long day?"

"You could say that, I'm also just a bit high if you know what I mean"

"Not tonight, you're just going to have to suffer"

"And why not? Usually you let me do as I please"

"Because I have a couple things I need to get done tomorrow and I can't do that if I can't walk"

"You're not even going to let me go lightly?"

"No because your definition of light is going doggy style on the ground without anything soft for me to stay on"

"Then would you allow me to at the very least use a few toys on you while enjoy my member a bit?"

"Maybe, but you need to approve what you'd use with me before"

"On another note, how has work been?"

"A bit boring since I have nothing interesting to make, its mostly been designs"

"I'm sorry, love, have the dogs and Crystal at least been behaving?"

"They've been fine, nothing I can't handle"

"I figured, any ideas on dinner?"

"Not really, I'm so used to you picking what we eat so I don't pay it much mind"

"You sure you're not getting too comfortable?"

"You spoil me, you want me to be comfortable"

"And what should I ask in return?"

"Simple, you've only asked that I satisfy you whenever I can"

"Is now one of those times you can?"


"Damn, it was worth a shot, I'm gonna go order dinner"

"Good, go do that while I finish up"

I began to finish up my work for the night before I grabbed Crystal so we meet up with Inpu in the dinning room so we could eat.

Crystal got a bit needy since she started to reach for where I kept her food, so I started to feed her before the maids brought in food.

Inpu walked in soon after with drinks.

It wasn't anything with alcohol thankfully, but I was a bit surprised that he managed to take a wild guess and guess my favorite drink.

Once he sat down at the table, Crystal was mostly done eating since she didn't want to take any more.

Our food was placed on the table soon after so we started to eat a bit before we decided to talk about anything.

"So I know the whole working from home thing isn't how you really wanted to work, but do you at least feel safe doing so?"

"Yeah, as much as I don't really like it, its giving me a bit more time to bond with Crystal and I know it keeps both of calm because we have less worry"

"I know its not ideal, and trust me, I'm trying to fix this as fast as I can so you can go back to your normal way of doing things, but the only reason I want you staying here is because you were almost shot, I don't want you getting hurt"

"I know, I just wish this wasn't the situation sometimes"

"What wasn't the situation, you not meeting me, not being involved in the mafia, or the mafia war"

"Just you not being in the mafia, I know you didn't chose this career path, and I love you no matter what, but there are moments where it feels like too much"

"I can understand that, I felt like that when I was little, my parents always had me in the office with them, heck, the first time I watched my dad kill someone I nearly had a panic attack in the corner since I knew I couldn't show him I was upset"

"But what do I do if something worse happens, like you get shot, or your office has a bomb placed inside and it explodes, what do I do then?"

"While I don't believe any of those things would happen, if anything did happen while I was at my office, or anyone tried something at home, I want you to take Crystal and the dogs if they both are with you, and run as far as you can"

"What about you, how would I know you were safe?"

"If something did happen, don't answer my calls, turn off your phone until you can change numbers, if something happened to me, there is a chance they could use my phone to get to you and it would destroy me if I lived through that but you couldn't"

"That didn't answer my question"

"Simple, I'd find you, I don't seem like I have a lot of patience, but if I ever had to find you, I'd take all the time in the world to do so"

"I'm glad at least one of us has thought of what to do in the worst case scenario"

"Well, what kind of mafia boss would I be if I left my family in a position they can't get out of"

"Good to know your line of work still looks down upon leaving people for dead"

"Its only with those close to us, if someone hadn't paid their debt and we left them to die in an alleyway, no one would care since it wasn't someone we knew or cared about"

Inpu had decided to change the conversation since he could tell I was getting stressed, and soon after, we finished our food and went to sit in the living room once Crystal had gone to sleep.

We didn't do much the rest of the night, mostly just cuddling while we watched whatever was on tv at the time.

I was just enjoying the time with my husband and I didn't even realize I was about to doze off until I was already asleep on Inpu's chest.

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