Chapter 81 | Taking Away The Stress

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Inpu's POV

After a long day of work, I really just wanted to go home and sleep, but unfortunately it wasn't that easy.

While I was in a meeting, Bryan texted me that Crystal started to show some dangerous behavior from what I was told, and since I was getting home before him, it was my job to deal with it.

Once I got home, it was late enough for the kids to be asleep, so I just went to check each room.

Each of the kids were asleep, which was surprising cause Crystal normally stayed awake until someone else got home, so something was clearly up.

I just started to gently wake her up, and once she was up, I just told her to follow me to the car.

The car ride was pretty quiet, I had an idea on what I should say, but not how I should say it.

Eventually it was clear we both had enough of the silence, so I decided to break it.

"So, what happened today?"

"What do you mean?"

"Bryan said you were presenting dangerous behavior, I wasn't told what, so I wanted to ask you"

"All I did was get continues headshots at the shooting ring without thinking for about ten minutes, I don't see how that's dangerous"

"When you do it in a public place, it is, so talk, what's wrong"

"Do you ever wish you didn't join the mafia?"

"Yes, I have moments where I wish I wasn't involved, but looking at my life now, I don't regret it"

"What makes you wish you didn't join?"

"Well, whenever I have to make a hard choice, my biggest one being myself or you guys, I've had to make selfish decisions that I've never told you guys about, but none of them I regret"

"I kind of expected that, so where are we going anyways?"

"No idea, I figured you'd be ok with just driving around until we find somewhere nice to stop and just talk"

"About me blanking out and going into mafia mindset?"

"Nope, just whatever comes to mind, its a way to get your mind off of everything"

"Did papa put you up to this?"

"Yeah, but can't I do something nice for you, I was just told to talk to you, it was never specified that I needed to talk about what happened while you were alone"

"Papa is going to yell at you"

"I probably deserve it, but hey, if it keeps your mind off of things, so be it"

She just laughed before looking at something on her phone.

Curious, I began to try and glance over while not taking my eyes off of the road, but it didn't work well.

"Whatcha looking at?"

"My friends and I have a concert next week, I'm just slowly going over the lyrics to one of the songs"

"So you're the singer?"


"You don't talk about your band much, what exactly do each of you do?"

"Like I said, I'm vocals, Flyn is the first guitarist, Diamond is the second guitarist, Skyler is my backing vocalist, and Minx is the drummer, Etch, Jax, and Zach each do behind the scenes work"

"What genre do you typically make songs in?"

"Love songs normally, but if not we do songs that relate to our own experiences"

"Such as?"

"One of the first ones was about what I remembered from papa being attacked the day Artemis was born, a lot of the lyrics you wouldn't understand unless you pay attention, but there are some that make it obvious, one of my old teachers actually stopped me after I finished a concert and sent me to the councilor because she knew I wrote the song and thought I would end myself"

"Your teachers really sucked"

"Tell me about it, I'm just glad now my teachers take me seriously, like yeah, the song had a dark tone, but I'm an edgy teen, it should be expected"

"Is it a popular song?"

"Yup, one of the most popular songs we have, none of them are published cause we don't have a publisher yet, so the people who have heard it have been lucky"

"Has Bryan or any of your siblings heard them before?"

"Artemis has, he's the only one who's been to a concert or heard us practice cause I was in charge of watching him then"

"Would you mind if I took your father and siblings to your concert?"

"I really don't know, I've brought them up before, but papa was always busy and unable to come, so I really don't care if any of you come or not"

"Did you and Bryan not get along or something? That sounds like something he would try his hardest to attend"

"We get along great, but papa worked weird hours and wasn't able to get away from work, he called me about half an hour before the concert and I told him not to worry about it, I've just told him nothing about them since, its like I'm scared or something and its so stupid"

"Its not stupid, you were likely hurt and didn't want to risk it again, even if you didn't seem to feel that way, something inside you was in pain, so you dealt with it the way you normally do"

"And how do I normally deal with pain? I don't usually have painful interactions"

"That's the issue, you turn off your emotions when you feel hurt or scared, so you've never fully felt that way"

"Why do you know so much about this?"

"Cause you're like me when I was your age, I began to learn more about what I'd need to do in the mafia, and with how my dad treated me, I got into some things I never told my parents about, only difference between us, I got into bad substances, you use music, so you're better than me in that regard"

"Oh no, the mafia boss used to be hooked on illegal substances? Who would've thought"

"Hey! Don't make fun of me!"

"Why not? You and papa do it to me all the time, I think its only fair"

We both just laughed about it for a while, just enjoying the quality time we had together.

I had just started to turn around so we could head back home, so we just continued to talk about whatever subjects came to mind as the conversation continued.

When we did get home, we walked in to a very angry Bryan who was just upset that we stayed out so late before he sent Crystal to bed and I just had to hold him close until he managed to fall asleep.

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