Chapter 92 | High Stakes

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Inpu's POV

As I expected, I woke up very early in the morning, early to the point the kids, who normally woke up before both Bryan and I, were still asleep.

I wanted to say good morning to each of them, but with how much was at risk with our current issue, I had to go as soon as I was up and ready.

Getting killed wasn't a worry to me, but with how hard this likely would be, I knew Bryan would be stressed, so I left him a note that pretty much just said how much I loved him and that I'd be back soon.

Everyone arrived at the sight and it was clear everyone was on edge.

I told everyone there the plan and quickly started to head to the entrance that was planned for us.

There were a handful of people waiting near the entrance, so the might have suspected something, but my men were able to get me a way passed so I could do my own look.

It was strange, the building was silent, no noise, not even the sound of someone's shoe hitting the floor the wrong way.

My gun was drawn and I was as alert as I could be, my ears were up as high as they could be and my tails were low to the ground so I could easily run if needed.

I searched for around an hour, and right as I was about to head back and say he wasn't there, I turned a corner and had a gun pointed to my head, but this time, I wasn't the only one.

We both just stood there with our guns pointed at each other, not saying a thing.

"Put the gun down and we can speak like adults"

"Oh, really? Cause that's not what my husband said I should do"

"Husband? What a dumb thing, he's meant to be mine"

"He picked his path, you hurt him then my kids, he decided to leave you, I just so happened to be the one he picked to spend his life with"

"SHUT ruined my chances, I should just kill you right now"

"Not a smart decision, my hubby has a few things he wants to say to you, so he wants you alive, but I do have permission to kill you if you shoot me in a potentially deadly part of my body regardless of if I live"

"He has questions for me? Hah, don't make me laugh"

"I'm just giving you the message I was told to give you, if you dated him and he trusted you enough to tell you things, you can debate if it sounds like something he'd say"

"He ignored me for a while, why would he want to talk to me?"

"Beats me, I just do what my hubby asks of me, and he wants you brought in alive, and unless you try anything that could kill me, I plan to follow through with his request"

"Bullshit, he would've told you the reason, so what is it?"

"No matter what you say to me, I won't give you a response because I don't know, and if I did, I'd do what my husband wishes, which would probably be telling you"

We stayed quiet for a bit longer, then out of no where, Jakey shot his gun at me, grazing my side.

I went to shoot back to disable him, but before I could even pull the trigger, something shot the back of his arm from behind.

My gaze shot behind him to see what it was, but all I could see was a vent cover being moved back into place.

A few of my men ran over as soon as they heard the gunshot, so I had them try to find out who was in the vent since it had to be one of my men.

I just grabbed Jakey and started to drag him to one of the transport vehicles so we could bring him back for questioning.

He managed to get my side just barely where my vest didn't protect me, so it hurt like hell, but I knew I'd be fine and that I just had to get going.

I sent most of my men back to the office to get him chained up for questioning, but I still had to find out who the person who shot him was since it was confirmed to be no one in my mafia, with us at least.

We didn't know if they were with or against us, so it was important we find out now.

The woods were very thick, so it would be hard to navigate, but I still had enough adrenalin to go do a quick search.

Time began to pass quickly, so I wasn't sure how long I spent looking, but I began to give up.

Eventually, I reached the edge of the forest where there was a large parking lot.

I noticed a few cars parked nearby and decided to go take a look at it, only to find Crystal's friends and Atlas sitting in the back of their cars.

They seemed to be getting ready to head out, so as soon as Crystal noticed me, she motioned for her friends to get going while both her and Atlas stayed back to speak with me for a bit.

"Hey, you sure you're ok?" [Crystal]

"Yeah, I'm fine, what makes you ask?" [Inpu]

"You look like hell, I know you had the raid this morning, but we didn't expect to see you like this" [Atlas]

"I feel fine, what's the issue?" [Inpu]

"Your face is pale and your ears are standing tall but shaking, you're clearly shaken up" [Crystal]

"Is it really that obvious? I don't feel that bad" [Inpu]

"Tell your men to get Jakey all set up, I know you probably got him, get in my car we're getting you home to rest, or, if you don't want to deal with papa, I take you to the office, you get checked out, then you go home after a few hour so papa isn't suspicious" [Crystal]

"I'm fine, I can easily go back to the office alone and deal with it by myself" [Inpu]

"Dad, if death was a person it would be you" [Atlas]

"Thank you, Atlas, cause that's what I needed to hear" [Inpu]

"Is that blood on your shirt?" [Crystal]

As soon as the words left her mouth, I checked where the bullet had grazed me and found the side of my undershirt starting to be soaked in blood.

The adrenaline was starting to wear off too, so I was starting to feel it and it hurt like hell.

"Yeah, on another note, I think you taking me to the office sounds like a good idea, any chance you have a good grasp on your healing?" [Inpu]

"Not yet, but I keep a first aid kit in my car, I'll have Atlas patch you up while we get over there" [Crystal]

They both helped me into the car and Atlas quickly opened the first aid kit.

Crystal was walking him through what to do while she drove, which I found really funny despite the pain I was in.

We got to the office after about half an hour and they quickly brought me over to the medical ward to get patched up.

They stayed till they knew I was ok, so when I finished and checked on them, they handed me back some of the stuff I had on me, before going home to help save me from Bryan.

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