Chapter 50 | Leaving Home

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Bryan's POV

A few years had passed by now and life was going pretty well.

The mafia was still at war but it was calmed down enough where I could return to working in person and Inpu was more willing to take the kids to the office with him again.

Oh yeah, did I mention that we also have triplets now?

Its safe to say we didn't think we were ready for three at once, let alone three of them plus a two year old at the time, but this time we felt more prepared because Inpu was home and we've been through the hard parts before.

We were hoping to have another one since Crystal is five so she'd be six around the time the new one would come and Atlas, Lotus, and Femi are three but would be four.

Luck wasn't really on our side when we were hoping for number five, but today was the day our luck turned around.

I woke up late since Inpu was taking care of the kids' morning routine, so I decided to do a quick check of the room before I went to see him before he left for work, when I found an angel orb that just barley appeared.

As soon as I found it, I placed it on the dresser wrapped in a few blankets so it wouldn't move and went to find Inpu.

He was already on a call which could only mean it was going to be busy for him, but I knew he'd want to hear what I found.

"Are you about to head out?"

"Yeah, someone went to pickup an order I placed with another mafia and they were found dead with the package gone this morning"

"Sounds like a hassle, hey, you got a few minutes to talk?"

"I really can't right now, this is important"

"Please, it won't take too long"

"Bryan, I can't right now"

"I promise you it'll be fast I thi-"

Next thing I knew Inpu hit me and I fell to the ground.

After the shock left me, I looked at him and saw that he was shocked at what he did and he just stood there, frozen.

We just stayed quiet until Inpu ran over to me and began to apologize.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you"

"Its ok, I was just being pushy, its my fault"

"No its not, I shouldn't have put my hands on you"

"I'll be fine, a little slap can't hurt me that bad"

"I'm sorry, what did you want to tell me?"

I thought about it for a second before realizing this was a bad time to tell Inpu, so I decided to take a step in a direction I wasn't planning on taking, but it would be better for me to take it.

"Its nothing important, it can wait till you get home"

"You made it sound like it was, if you want to tell me, please do, I'm listening"

"I'll tell you when you get home, its not that important, go to work and deal with whatever you need to deal with"

He didn't respond to me, he just started to kiss me and whisper that he was sorry multiple times to the point we didn't even hear that someone entered the room.

"Why is papa on the floor and why is dad kneeling next to him"

We both looked over and saw Crystal standing in the doorway with the triplets behind her.

"I just fell, darling, dad was making sure I was ok before he helped me up"

"Then why were you kissing?"

"You know how when papa heals you he gives you a kiss to finish off healing it?"


"I was doing that since papa can't do it to himself"

"Oh, ok"

The kids went back to playing shortly after and we could hear then running around.

"And I thought I was the one who could come up with a quick excuse"

"I don't lie to you, how would you know that I can do it"

"Fair enough, I'll see you after work"

"Alright, I love you, I'm sorry again"

"Its ok, love you too"

Inpu went to work soon after and I went to see what the kids were doing since I didn't have any work to do.

Most of the day was spent with them either playing games or watching tv with me.

It seemed like it would be calm until we all heard a crash from another room.

"Papa, what was that?"

"Not sure, you four stay here and I'll go check it out"

I left them in the room and went to see where it came from.

Eventually I heard another sort of bang from a room, so I carefully opened the door of the room the sound was coming from and Helios came running out of the room.

Not knowing what to expect, I took a peak inside the room when I was grabbed from behind.

All I could hear was Helios barking and I began to feel weak when I heard a gunshot followed by myself being let free.

One of the guards ran over to me to check that I was ok.

"Sir, do you want me to inform Sir Inpu?"

"No, he's very busy from what he said to me, I'll tell him when he gets home, can you just dispose of the body?"

"Yes, Sir, would you like me to inspect the other guards? He's dressed as one of the guards here, there is always a chance there are more involved"

"Don't, let Inpu put the request in because I need to make sure my kids aren't scared right now"

"Yes, sir"

I quickly went to the room where the kids were and I saw they were anxious.

Each of them looked at me as if something was wrong, but I couldn't tell what it was.

Not knowing what they were looking at, I pulled out my phone and used the camera to see that I had a large bruise on my neck from where I was grabbed.

"Papa, did someone get in the house again?"

"What do you mean again, Atlas?"

"Crystal mentioned how someone got in when she was a baby"

"Do you actually remember that, Crystal?"

"No, but you and dad talk about it a lot when you leave us in another room, I try not to listen, but my ears are too good and I can't ignore it"

"Alright, I'm going to grab a few things and book a few things, we're going to stay with grandma for a bit"

"Is dad going to meet us there?"

"He's busy right now, but he'll see us there eventually"

"Are Helios and Shade coming with us too!"

"Shade will come with dad, but Helios will be coming"

The four of then started to run around the room and grab a few toys, which I didn't mind, while I called Flix to drive us to the train station along with getting my travel bag for the new orb.

I was hesitant to actually leave, but as I was packing, I remembered something Inpu said to me years ago.

He told me if I was ever attacked at home, to take the kids, dogs, and whatever I thought I needed and run.

My mind was racing the entire time I was packing, I don't know why I didn't just call him and tell him, I don't know where I plan to go, all I know is that I can't stay in the apartment any longer.

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