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Snow White did one last scream as a loud cry could be heard around the room. Prince Charming took the new born baby and held her in his arms.

"It's Emma," he says looking down lovingly at her, however another scream from Snow was heard.

Charming looked up and realized another one was coming, Snow White screamed having the whole castle hear her as Charming handed Emma to a maid as he race to his wife.

He gripped her hand as she screamed again until crying could be heard.

"Another girl," another made said holding the one in her hands.

She handed her to Snow as Snow White glances at her raven hair and blue eyes.

"We had twins," Charming announced as the maid gave Emma back to him.

"Veronica," Snow White smiled at the unexpected bundle in her arms.

The Charming's switched babies as he now held Veronica in his arms.

"Veronica, you look just like your mother," he says as baby Veronica reaches her little hand up and touch his face.

However when she did a vision appeared before his eyes.

"I HEREBY CLAIM VERONICA SWAN AS MY WIFE! AND IF ANY OF YOU LOST BOYS REJECT I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" A boy, a teenager said worth light brown hair and dark brown eyes with an accent pronounced as several boys Hollars around the camp fire.

Peter Pan took teenage version Veronica who was standing next to him close to him as he smiled ear to ear.

"What do you say wifey? Care to be my bride?"

"Yes Peter, I love you so much," she says looking into his eyes with love and passion.

"I love you as well my darling, TONIGHT WE WED! PREPARE THE PREPARATIONS!" He shouted as boys danced and Hollars around the campfire and Pan shares a kiss to Veronica's lips.

"CHARMING!" Snow's voice brought him back as he blinked several times.

"What? What happened?" He asked in a state of shock looking down at Veronica who just blinked staring at him.

"You blacked out I tried to call you but you just stood there a daze look in your eyes,"

"No, when Veronica touched my face I saw something," he said about to explain but screaming was heard instead around the castle.

"No time to explain! Take Emma and Veronica to the wardrobe to give them best chance, they won't be affected by Regina's curse!" She said shoving Emma into his arms.

"What?! No! Snow we can protect them! We can't leave our daughters!'

"We have no choice please Charming we don't have much time, take them to the wardrobe, go, go,"

"No! Emma and Veronica-"

"Charming!" Snow yelled kissing him on the lips before pulling away. "Please it's the only way to ensure both of them are safe, I love them just as much as you do but they cannot be here with the curse,"

"But Snow before I do this Veronica showed me a vision, a man name Peter Pan is going to marry her I don't know how I don't know when but she must be protected at all costs,"

"How is this possible?"

"I don't know, but maybe the new world is right for Veronica it'll delay that vision,"

"No, no just take her to the wardrobe it'll take her to the land it'll delay it now go! Go!" She shouted just as Charming began running off.

Using his left arm he places Emma next to her sister as he was swift on his feet slashing and killing the guards that tried to stop him. He's got cuts and is bleeding but he fought very hard to accomplish his moment at the wardrobe. He placed his sword down as he moved Emma to go inside it, however a noise and scream was heard as a dark shadow loomed over the palace with white glowing eyes. He took the souls of the knights as Charming turned around with Veronica still on his left arm.

He tried to swing at the shadow that was above him but he flew towards him and knocked him over as he took Veronica out of his arms and left.

"VERONICA!" Charming yelled as he used his last strength to close the wardrobe before he passed out.

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