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28 Years Ago

Pan's shadow came back holding an infant in his hands. The infant was crying as Peter Pan smiled.

"There you are, I finally have what I always wanted," he said smirking as he went back to the lost boys. "BOYS!" He calls as their dancing around the campfire stopped.

Each and every one of them lined up as Peter smiled at the bundle in his arms.

"This is her! This is Veronica Swan, the woman who was meant to be my wife in the future, Felix," he called to his loyal servant as Felix stepped forward.

"Yes Pan?" He asked taking a glance at the baby.

"I put you in charge of her, make sure she eats, make sure she's changed, and take the grandest care of her because if you don't, I will rip out your heart and soul and crush the both of them," he threatened him but before he could hand them over Veronica placed a hand on his cheek as a vision went through his eyes.

"Peter you lied to me! You told me my family abandoned me that I was washed ashore and Felix found me and raised me! My family is here on this island! Looking for Henry and me," 18 year old Veronica said in desperation.

"Veronica I only lied to protect you, please love understand," he said trying to grab ahold of her wrist but she yanked her hand away.

"NO! I love you! But clearly you don't love me! Otherwise you would've told me who my family really was," she said tears in her eyes. "Goodbye Pan I'm going with my mom, my dad and my twin sister,"

"Don't leave me! We've built a life here together! Are you going to throw all that we've done away?! For a family who abandoned you?!"

"YOU KIDNAPPED ME! Of course I will choose them! It's family over everything else! You wouldn't know a thing about family," Veronica hissed before walking away from Peter.

"Veronica! VERONICA!" Pan screamed out but she only kept walking away and not looking back.

Pan almost dropped Veronica when he came back to the present. Felix who was still waiting for him to hand him the baby looked at him in concern.

"Pan? You blanked out what happened there?" He asked as Pan's eyes were wide as he looked down at Veronica who was looking back at him.

"Whatever you do, do not tell Veronica who her real family is, I will deal with them myself the day they come on this Island, I will kill them all so she wouldn't think about leaving me,"

"Peter what are you rambling on about?" Felix asked just as Peter shoved Veronica into his arms.

"Keep her safe, I'm going to think," he said before walking away leaving a confused Felix behind.


Back at the Palace Snow found Charming passed out on the ground.

"NO! CHARMING!" She yelled running over to him as she touched his cheek rubbing it back and forth until his eyes opened.

"VERONICA!" He yelled sitting up but he winced in pain as Snow White tried to calm him down.

"Charming it's okay, your hurt please don't push yourself, Emma and Veronica are safe you did it,"

"No, no, no, no, no! Snow she's in trouble! She's in danger we have to go rescue her!" He yelled trying to stand up but he wobbled as he went back down to his hands and knees.

"What happened Charming tell me?"

"A shadow, A shadow took her! It took Veronica somewhere!"

"I don't understand did-"

Charming gripped onto Snow White by the shoulders looking at her with frightened eyes for his daughter Veronica. She did not go with Emma.

"Snow listen to me, it may sound crazy but a shadow came with white glowing eyes. And took Veronica before I could place her in the wardrobe, only Emma crossed over before I passed out,"

"So, your saying something stole our daughter? What? What are we going to do?"

"Not much we can do Snow, but pray both Emma and Veronica find us one day," Charming said looking straight into her eyes as the curse was making it's way to them.

"I don't want to forget you Charming, forget our daughters, Veronica and Emma are in danger,"

"It'll be okay Snow, they will find us, I love you,"

"And I love you," Snow said kissing her prince one last time as the curse fell upon them both.

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