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Pan taken them back to camp where Henry was sword fighting with a lost boy.

"My dear are you okay?" Peter asked as Veronica could only nod.

"There not what I think they would be, meeting family isn't all that's cracked up to be,"

"I tried to tell you that dear," he said as the two sat on a log together.

Veronica sighed as she put her head on his shoulder as a frown was on her face.

"So that's really my nephew huh?" She asked him as hands intertwined with each other's.

"Yes, he's a very strong boy who will help restore magic to this place,"

"Peter how will he do that?"

"Well, he would have to give up his heart so magic can be restored here,"

"Give up his heart? Peter..... is that not killing him?"

He sighed placing a hand on her cheek. 

"Sometimes, sacrifices has to be made love,"

"But...." She trials off looking at him smiling as he beat the lost boy he was sword fighting with. "He's my nephew,"

"You've only known him for 2 minutes darling, and besides wasn't your family going to use you to trade him anyways? He maybe related to you but you know nothing about him,"

"I wonder why?" She snapped pulling away from Peter as he frowned. 

He sighed before getting up off the log and going near Henry. 

"You did very good lad, I am very proud of you, being the heart of the truest believer and beating one of the lost boys, you truly are magical and I know, I know you can save magic here in the island,"

"Does that mean I'm ready for it now?" He asked excitedly. 

"Not now," he chuckled. "You have a lot of training to do my boy, Felix," he called as Felix came out looking over at Pan. 

"Show our new guest where he will be sleeping,"

"Will do Pan," he says before taking Henry away. 

Peter sighed before turning to Veronica who was still on the log with her arms crossed, head turned and her leg over the other. 

"Veronica, its time to return to our quarters," He says walking over to her. 

"No thanks I rather sleep outside tonight,"

"Veronica, your not upset about what Henry has to do are you? Look I know you don't like it since he is your nephew, but it has to be done, it was prophesized,"

"Just like how me marrying you was? My dad thought it was a forced marriage between us,"

"But it wasn't, was it?" he asked coming towards her as she looked over at him. 

"No it wasn't, I meant it when I said I love you Peter Pan, and I still continue to do so even if I don't approve of some stuff you do," she said uncrossing her arms as she stood up from the log. 

"Am I forgiven then? Especially about Henry?"

"Yes, yes you are Peter," She says going into his arms as she sighed feeling safe into them. 

"Let's go out,"

"Go out? Where?" 

"To the springs of course, when's the last time we had proper alone time?" he asked wigging his eyebrows causing her to giggle. 

"Literally this morning," she giggled as he laughed and scooped her up in his arms causing her to yelp. 

"PETER!" She screamed out laughing as a smile was on his face. 

"Hold on tight love, were flying," he says before they floated up in the air. 

The wind blew Veronica's hair harshly on her face as Peter smiled down at her. He couldn't help but to acknowledge the beat of his heart just by the sight of her arms clinging onto his neck.

Veronica was always home to Peter Pan. As they were flying Peter failed to notice Snow White who has spotted them as everyone else was asleep. She had her bow and arrow ready to shoot if necessary. She was going to bring her daughter home, she did not belong in Neverland and certainly not with Peter Pan.

Snow White released the arrow as Pan sensed danger and immediately dodged the arrow causing Veronica to gasp as she and Pan looked down below to see Snow White putting her bow and arrows down.

"HAND ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!" She yelled pulling another arrow on the bow. "OR NEXT ONE WONT BE SO LUCKY!" She yelled waking the others up as they stood around her.

"You really like to test me don't you? If you shoot another arrow I will personally kill one of you lots!"

"Peter," Veronica scolded still in his arms. 

"They want to take you from me, I won't allow it,"

"Put me down, I wanna talk to them,"


"Don't worry we'll have our date night," she giggled kissing him on the nose.

Peter smiled before rolling his eyes as he lowered them down. He gently placed Veronica on the ground as Snow put away her bow and arrows.

"Veronica," she said in a pleading tone.

"Look, I get I'm your daughter but you weren't the ones who raised me, Felix and the lost boys did,"

"We didn't get the chance to raise you or Emma! You were stolen from us! We are still your parents, you deserve to be with us, to get to know us,"

"What if I don't want to? Pan and I are happy together,"

"Veronica please come home to us, back to Storybrooke,"

She shook her head as Peter wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I can't leave my husband, just forget about me like you always had, my family stays here in Neverland," she says causing Peter to smirk as he kissed her cheek.

"You heard her, she wants nothing to do with you,"

"How about this.... We want to get to know our daughter, just for a few days and then if shes still not happy with us you can keep her, and if she is happy you and her are coming back to Storybrooke with us, in order for all of us to be a family, do we have a deal Peter Pan?" Her dad asked looking at him with determination. 

"Not a deal, but a game, lets play the game if you can get Veronica to let say actually like you guys in a couple of days we go to Storybrooke with you and the lost boys, but if she remains unhappy at your side both her and Henry stays while you leave are you up for the challenge?" He asks a smirk playing on his lips.

"Fine, the game is on," Her dad says causing Veronica to pout as she turned to face Peter.

"But our date night," She whined as he smiled as he pecked her on the lips. 

"You'll be back in a few days time darling, I'll be watching and coming to get you once time is up,"

"But I'll miss you,"

"I'll miss you too darling, I love you,"

"And I to you," She says kissing him on the lips.

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