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"Why are we wasting our time? She knows where Henry is force her to take us there," Regina who Veronica knows as the Evil Queen says growing impatient.

"We just got our daughter back Regina, you heard Peter if she's not happy with us he keeps her and Henry here be a bit more respectful,"

Regina laughed dryly.

"Do you think I care Snow White? This woman is married to Pan therefore is Pan's weakness, use her as leverage!"

"ENOUGH REGINA!" Emma was the one to yell with a serious face on causing Veronica's eyes to widen.

"We will not use my little sister as some kind of bait! We talked about this already and the answer is no," Emma stands up to her as Regina growled.

"Fine, if you all want me to be the Evil Queen you have her," she said making fire come out of her hands.

She aimed at Snow White, David and Emma as each of them rolled out of the way as Emma hit her head on the rock, Snow White hit her head on a tree branch and David banged his head on the ground, leaving Veronica wide open.

"Mom! Dad! Emma!" Veronica yelled terrified as they lay unmoving on the ground.

"It's just you and me Princess," Regina hissed before grabbing onto her arm roughly.

Veronica was terrified as they disappeared into a purple smoke. Once the smoke cleared they were at the beach as Regina roughly grabbed onto Veronica.

"Start talking! Where is he! Where is My son!" She yelled threatening her with a fireball as she yelped when she attempted to throw it having her fall back to the ground afraid as she backed away.

"I-I-I don't know!"

"YOUR LYING! YOUR WITH YOUR DAMN HUSBAND 24/7 NOW BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO STONE WHERE IS MY SON?!" She yelled putting another fireball out of her hands.

Tears began to form in Veronica's eyes. She didn't want to give the location of her husband's camp that would be putting him in danger.

"Fine, if you don't talk I'll incinerate your existence,"

"No! No! PETER! PETER!" She yelled out for him frightened.

She was scared beyond belief of this woman as she rocked back in forth on the sand, eyes wide in terror. Without her mom, dad or Emma around she was frightened and didn't know how to breath.

"You think calling for your husband will help you? Listen up you have 5 seconds to give out the location of Pan's camp or you'll never be seen again,"

"NO!" She shouted as Regina rolled her eyes.

"Fine, then say goodbye to your husband," she yelled throwing the fireball as Veronica couldn't help but stare at the giant fireball heading her way.

She closed her eyes tight expecting to be incinerated at that very moment, telling Peter in her head that she was in love with him, but the sound of a sword being drawn was heard as grunting was heard as well causing her to open her eyes shocked to see it was her dad standing in the front line protecting her.

"VERONICA! VERONICA!" She heard two different voices about her name as her Mother was the first to run to her as she got down on the sand and held tightly onto her.

Emma was next in the hug her eyes wide staring at Regina's shocked expression at how they got there so fast.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING?!" Charming snapped.

"I WAS GETTING ANSWERS!" She yells back into the beach as a storm was casted above them.

"YOU TRIED TO KILL OUR DAUGHTER!" Charming yelled furious at her as lightning struck. "How are you going to get any answers out of her if we were a minute later?!" He shouted frustrated as a tear slipped Veronica's cheek as she pulled away from her mother.

"So it's true..... You all are using me, trying to be nice to me so I can get you to tell me husbands location," she whispered causing Charming to turn to her with soft eyes.

"No, Veronica I didn't mean it like that-"

"No, Pan was right, I'm better off without any of you!" She yells trying to run away from them.

Emma couldn't help but look over at her parents in disapproval.

"Just stay here, I'll get her," Emma said before running after her sister.

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