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"HE'S NORTHEAST FROM HERE OKAY!" Peter yelled still holding onto Veronica. 

"We dont trust you, lead us to him!" Regina demanded.

"SHE'S DYING!" He yelled looking back over at Veronica who was fighting not to close her eyes. 

She was losing too much blood but she oddly felt peaceful. 

"I'm so tired Peter," Veronica let out as Peter had tears still streaming his face.

"Shhh..... Shhh its okay, you'll be okay whatever you do love dont close your eyes," he says putting a bloody hand on her cheek as he stroke it. 

"Peter, we'll go to the place that heals the magic springs, I can take her there," David said walking towards her and holding out his arms for her.

"How do I know if you'll make it in time?"

"I will, I wont let our daughter die  not now, not ever hand her to me the more time we waste the closer she is to death,"

"Here," he says giving him a necklace to put on and it had dust inside it. 

"What is that?" He asked taking the necklace putting it around his neck.

"It's pixie dust, it allows you to fly, please hurry the magical springs is at the top of the highest mountain," he said as he nodded his head. 

David went to grab onto his daughter not caring that blood was getting onto his clothes. Peter watched as David sprinkled fairy dust on him as he began floating in the air headed towards the springs. 

Peter stood up blood surrounding him as he glared at Rumple.

"Lead the way dearie,"

"I will kill you for what you've done to Veronica, " He seethed before walking away with them. 

Snow White was angry as she marched her way to Regina and pulled her hair. 

"OW! What the hell Snow?" She asked before Snow White punched her right in the face. 

She heard a crack to which Regina held her bleeding nose as Snow White looked at her in rage. 

"If my daughter doesn't make it, neither of you will either," She threatens before turning to walk away from them back to Emma.

Prince Charming flew to the magical springs that heals as he gently laid Veronica down.

"Honey stay with me," he said as Veronica just stared up at the skies.

Her eyes were starting to become lifeless as a smile was on her face despite everything that happened. She truly was peaceful and embraced death into her arms.

Her vision blurred as she took one last breath before the life left her eyes as they remained open. Prince Charming came back with the container filled with the water but noticed Veronica stopped breathing.

"Veronica?" He asked unbelieving as he rushed down to his knees. "Veronica please, no, no, no, please I just found you. We just found you, you can't leave us," Charming said as he placed her head on his lap.

He opened up her mouth as he poured the water in her mouth, her body was getting cold as David leaned down and placed his forehead on hers.

"Please Veronica, I haven't even had the chance to be a father to you, you can't die," he said tears flowing down his cheeks.

He barley knew her, thanks to Pan's shadow but that doesn't mean he didn't want to not get to know her. In fact he was looking forward to meeting her again and even if it's for a brief moment to get time together.

"Please Veronica don't leave us, we just found you. I love you Veronica, my daughter," he said more tears spilling his face as he kissed her forehead.

A wave of magic was felt in the air as David eyes widened when the blood began absorbing back into Veronica. The hole in her stomach closed as she took a deep breath and gasped life remaining back in her eyes.

"V-Veronica?" David asked as Veronica turned to look at him with tears in her own eyes.

"Dad!" She cried gripping onto his neck as the two held onto each other.

Veronica cried as she was so close to death, however when she returned so did her memories of yesterday with her parents and sister. She cried as she gripped onto him afraid of letting him go.

"Dad, I remember yesterday I was bonding with you when Pan took me,"

"That's right, that's my girl. I'm so glad to know your okay, I lost you I really thought I lost you,"

"You didn't dad. You saved me..... But now I won't be able to go to Storybrooke with you,"

"Why is that honey?"

"You cured me from the magical springs and once you leave the island you die, the island is the only thing keeping me alive is that water,"

"We'll find a way to get you off the island, we always do, now come on your mother is worried sick about you," He said helping her up as she gasped looking at his bloody clothes. 


"Don't worry about it, you were my top priority," he said causing her to smile. 

However that smile faltered as she looked at the weather, the once beautiful blue skies were now dark and gray. 

"Where is Peter?" she asked panic settling in. 

"Him, Regina and Gold went to the camp for Henry, why what's wrong?"

"Peter thinks I'm dead..... I have to go to him!" She says about to run but her dad grabbed onto her arm. 

"Woah hey its alright," he said trying to calm her down.

"NO! No its not! What the Dark one did sealed his fate. Pan has a rule, a rule that all the lost boys follow. If something happens to me Pan will kill whoever did it in cold blood. Your two friends are in more danger than you might think we have to stop him," she said causing David's eyes to grow wide.

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