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"Mom, Dad!" Veronica yelled running into their awaited arms as tears flew through them.

They knelt to the ground all three hugging and crying with each other. Emma looked over to Killian as Killian looked over at her.

"Well go on love she is your sister,"

"But she's.... She's....-"

"So young? Being on Neverland does that to you love, join in on the family love," he said pushing her forward just as they broke the hug.

"Ummm...... Veronica?" Emma announced causing her to look at her twin sister.

"Emma? The one Henry Mentioned?" She asked as the Evil Queen made a magical fireball out of her hands going towards them causing Veronica to gasp but Snow and Charming protected her and got in front of her weapons raised.

"Regina what are you doing?" Snow was the one to ask first.

"She knows where Henry is! Take us to my son!"

"W-What?" She asked frightened as her dad held onto her for protection.

"Look the more we waste time the more Henry is with that demon Peter Pan,"

"Do not speak Ill of my husband," Veronica said defensively getting out of her father's hold.

"What?" They both asked shocked.

This caused the woman Regina to grin evily.

"If Pan has a wife, then you are his weakness,"

"Regina! We will not use our daughter as bait for him!" Snow yelled out getting angry. 

"Think about it, you only just met this woman, and she's Peter Pan's Wife. Think about it if we use her just right he will hand over Henry to us in no time,"

"Regina, Mary Margaret is right, were not using my sister as bait," Emma said stepping up as Veronica couldn't help but admire her bravery.

"You all don't even know me...... Why are you standing up for me?" Veronica asked causing the three of them to turn to her and smile.

"Because your family," her dad said with a smile.

"I just found out today that I had one, since I was a young one Pan has told me that I was washed ashore, that you had abandoned me, when I first learned I had a sister I thought why? Why did you choose her over me? Then Henry told me the truth that I was kidnapped when I was a newborn," she says looking at them in the eyes. "I never thought that I would ever meet you..... I thought you didn't love me and that you've abandoned me and never thought about me,"

"Oh sweetie that is not true, we have thought about you, every single day, from the moment you were taken, we love you so much and we're sorry that Pan took you away, but once we get Henry we're all going to leave together as a family," Snow said grabbing onto her hands with a smile on her face.

Veronica frowned removing her hands as she shook her head.

"I can't leave the island it's home, the only place I've ever known, the only place where Peter is,"

"Honey Peter forced you to be with him, he-" her dad begin but Veronica backed away from them.

"No, Peter didn't force me to do anything! I wanted to marry him! I wanted to be with him! Sure he lied about my family but, besides that there is good in him, he treat me with respect, with kindness, and love that no other man has shown me before. Peter, Felix and the other lost boys have been my family,"

"Veronica listen to yourself, I was in your place from the very moment I learned these two were my parents, but they are your parents as well as mine and when I learned that I had a sister, I was ecstatic to meet her because I have someone to protect and care for and call my little sister, I grew up alone just like you did, you weren't the only one who felt abandoned, who felt that there parents didn't love them. But none of that matters now because they are here right in front of you, just take my hand and I can show you what a family is like," Emma said walking forward with each step as she held her hand out.

"Please Veronica, let's be sisters,"

"I'm afraid she can't," a voice she knew all to well said as he appeared next to her.

"Peter," Veronica said turning to him and placing her head on his chest.

"You stay the hell away from my daughter!" Charming yelled throwing out his sword.

"Or what? You'll kill me? And besides your daughter and I are meant to be together forever, nothing not even you can take that from me," Peter said smirking before turning to Veronica. "Love, are you done here? Do you wish to go home with me or be with them?"

"Peter I already promised to be with you, and besides they wanted to use me to get Henry back they were gonna hold me hostage Peter,"

"Veronica we didn't agree to that plan!" Snow tried to defend.

"QUIET! If either of you attempt to lay a hand on my wife, family or not I will kill you all," he said as he was floating up in the air with Veronica wrapped tightly around his arms.

"NO! NO! NO! VERONICA! VERONICA NO!" Both Charming and Snow yelled as Pan smiled before teleporting away.

Snow got down on her knees as she cried causing Prince Charming to hold onto her as he looked over at Emma who was looking into the sky where Peter was last seen.

A/N: let's double the votes! Keep it up more votes more chapters!

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