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Young Veronica bounced around excitedly as Pan and Felix was guarding her both. They were both set out to find whoever is on the island and 11 year old Veronica was with them. Pan noticed it was a group of Pirates as they were exploring the island drinking and having fun. Among them was Killian Jones, who Veronica found was an interesting fellow she couldn't help but run to him slipping away from Pan and Felix. 

"Shit, Veronica!" Felix yelled running just as Veronica pushed her way through the bushes to the group of pirates. 

They stood up alert when she came through the bushes panting heavily. 

"Stand down Lads she's just a child," Captain Hook said pushing past his crew members. 

Veronica tilted her head curiousity getting the best of her. The man was quite attractive, with short black hair, brown eyes, a scruffy beard, But what really intrigued her the most was the hook that laid on his hand. She went up to him and touched the hook causing her to giggle as the metal was cool to her wondering fingers. 

"Its a Hook!" She announced a smile on her face. 

"Indeed young one, hence the name Captain Hook, and may I know your name little one? Why are you on this island?"

"Veronica, Im raised here after my parents abandoned me, but I'm not alone! I have friends and family who surround and help take care of me," She said excitedly. 

"Why are you so excited love?"

"Because I've always wanted to meet pirates! Peter would tell me remarkable stories! And now I get to meet Pirates!" She said laughing and twirling aorund.

This caused Killian to smile. 

"Well my lady you are in the right place, for I am the devilishly handsome Pirate right here, how about you come back on the Jolly Roger with us and I teach you how to sail for a bit?"

"I think not," A voice called as Veronica turned around to face Pan, Felix, and the Lost boys surrounding them. 

"PETER!" She yelled smiling running back to him and into his arms as he picked her up. 

She wrapped her arms around his neck smiling at him. 

"Who the hell are you?"

"Well I haven't formally introduced myself now have I? Peter Pan, at your service Killian Jones,"

"You know my name?" He asked dumbfounded. 

"I know everything and everyone who aboards my Island,"

"What are you to Veronica?"

"She's mine, that's all you need to know, Felix take her back to camp please," he said causing her to pout. 

"But Peter-"

"Hush Veronica, you knew you weren't supposed to run off like that,"

"Am I in trouble? Mr. Hook was really nice! And he wanted me to sail with him! Can I go with him please Peter?" She pouted as Peter shook his head. 

"Once you go out into the sea nobody will be able to look after you, I care about you Veronica it  would devastate me if something bad happened, besides he might take you away from me 'forever do you want that?" He asked tears pricked in his eyes as Veronica shook her head no.

"No Peter I could never, no no no,"

"Good, now that makes me feel better, go on with Felix and I shall be there shortly," He said passing her along to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. 

"Let's go Little one, Pan got it from here,"

"Bye, bye Captain Hook," She waved before they left inside the jungle. 

Once gone Hook chuckled. 

"Have a way of manipulating children dont you lad? I wasn't going to hurt her you and I both know that,"

"I also wasn't going to have a pirate take her away from me either," He responds getting up in his face. "I suggest you get off my island before I slaughter you and your whole crew," Pan threatened before turning to walk away back to the camp.


Veronica walked around the jungle noticing it was awfully quiet with no lost boys lerking around. Veronica let out a yelp however as she was roughly pulled back by the hood immediately going down allowing her raven black hair to show. She turned to face a middle aged old man, with light brown hair and brown eyes. 

"Who the hell are you?" He asked as she rose her eyebrows. 

"I could say the same about you,"

"No I mean, what is your name?" 

"Veronica why?" She asked as his eyes widen in recognition as he smiled.

"Your Veronica Swan, the lost sister," he smiled causing her eyes to went wide with shock.

A/N: Thanks to those who take the time to vote, it's the one thing that keeps me going!

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