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"I'm sorry what?" Veronica asked shocked in her voice.

"Veronica Swan you are Prince Charming and Snow White's daughter,"

"THE SNOW WHITE AND PRINCE CHARMING?!" She shouted out loud mouth dropping to the floor.

"Keep that up dearie you'll be swallowing flies,"

"Wait..... So you know my family? Who are they?"

"Sorry sweetie but all things not just magic comes with a price, if I tell you information you would have to owe me a favor, do we make a deal?"

"No deals with you Rumplestiltskin," Felix says coming out from the bushes causing Veronica to gasp.


"Save it Veronica, Pan won't be very happy with you," he said smirking in her direction but to her surprise, Rumplestiltskin had moved in front of her to break his eye contact with her.

"You keep your filthy claws of of her," Rumple growls out.

"Shut up Dark one you don't know a thing,"

"That is a lie I know all dearie, as you said I'm the dark one,"

"Veronica let's go, Pan has someone for you to meet,"

"Don't go if you want to learn more about your family, stick with me,"

"Peter is my husband I cannot not show up, he will kill both of us,"

"Your Peter's wife?" Rumple asked with wide, horrified eyes.

"VERONICA!" Felix yelled from the bushes causing her to flinch.

"I have to go Rumplestiltskin I cannot stay," she said before bolting away as Rumple stared after her.

That woman is practically his mother in law and things just got complicated.

"Sorry for the wait Felix," she said emerging from the forest trying to catch her breath.

Music could be heard as well as a sound of a flute. That could only mean Peter is playing their song. The one that bonded them together.

"Hey, I won't tell that you ran into Rumplestiltskin," Felix said looking over st Veronica.

"You won't? Why?"

"I've raised you little one, I care about you and you don't need to get in severe trouble,"

"Thank you, I really appreciate that," she said just as the two emerge from the trees seeing everyone Hollar and whooping around the campfire with Peter playing their special song.

Pan's eyes lit up as he saw his wife and stopped playing.

"Look who it is boys, my lovely wife Veronica Pan," he said causing everyone to cheer and yell.

"You rang for me darling?" She asked batting her eyes at him.

"Why yes of course, there is someone I want you to meet. The heart of all magic, the truest believer, Henry Mills," he said presenting Henry a little boy with pitch black hair, dark brown eyes, freckles on his face, he was wearing a red blazer shirt with blue jeans.

"Veronica?" He asked tilting his head to the side before a wide smile was on his face. "Your her! The lost Swan sister! Your my mother's twin! Which makes you my aunt!" He said excitedly causing her to tilt her head.

"I'm sorry I'm confused my family abandoned me,"

"No they didn't. They think about you all the time you were stolen and he took you," he said pointing To Pan.

Veronica eyes Peter who frowned as his eyes locked on hers.

"So you knew didn't you? Everytime I asked you knew,"

"Veronica.. Please I wanted to tell you I truly did,"

"Than what stopped you? Not to mention you kidnapped me when I was just born!"

"Veronica Please dont do this love,"

"Peter you lied to me! You told me my family abandoned me that I was washed ashore and Felix found me and raised me! My family is here on this island! Looking for Henry and me,"  Veronica said in desperation.

"Veronica I only lied to protect you, please love understand," he said trying to grab ahold of her wrist but she yanked her hand away.

"NO! I love you! But clearly you don't love me! Otherwise you would've told me who my family really was," she said tears in her eyes. "Goodbye Pan I'm going with my mom, my dad and my twin sister,"

"Don't leave me! We've built a life here together! Are you going to throw all that we've done away?! For a family who abandoned you?!"

"YOU KIDNAPPED ME! Of course I will choose them! It's family over everything else! You wouldn't know a thing about family," Veronica hissed before walking away from Peter.

"HEY AUNT VERONICA WAIT UP!" Henry said leaving with Veronica as Peter dropped to his knees. 

"Pan?" Felix questioned looking over at him. 

"This happened in a vision, when I first held Veronica..... She's leaving me Felix and nothing I can do to stop it," he said his heart being broken on the inside.

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