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"VERONICA!" The voice of Emma yelled as loud footsteps were heard behind her. "VERONICA STOP!" She shouted as she grabbed onto her hand and turned her around. 

Emma saw that she had tears stripped down on her face. Veronica was upset as she tried to get out of Emma's hold but it was no use. 

"Leave me alone! Let me be!"

"Listen to me, they aren't the best parents in the world but its a start! David and Mary Margret already cares about you, because you are their daughter as well as I we would never hurt you, or try to use you for Leverage over Pan, please believe me! Stay with us!"

"No, Why should I stay? You heard Dad he only wants answers that I wont provide out of me,"

"He didn't mean it like that!"

"You just trying to be nice to me, using me,"

"No, we aren't we promise. Look I dont care that you and Pan are married, as long as your happy with him I am okay with that, please spend time with us,"

"And you wont try to use me?" She asked raising her eyebrow. 

"I promise we wont, and we keep Regina far away from you,"

Veronica sighed as Her sister took the time to retract her arm from her. 

"Fine, I'll go back,"

"Good, thank you," Emma said smiling as she started walking with her sister arm in arm.

"So, how did you find me anyways? I mean it was really quick,"

"We weren't far from where Regina took you, and she was pretty loud, you should have seen David he was after all the first one to arrive he was so determined to get to you on time,"


"Yeah he's overprotective but at least he cares," She said smiling just as they reached the others. 

Regina was gone as Snow White and Prince Charming was all that was left. 

"Mom. Dad," Veronica announced as they turned around to see her running to them. 

They both smiled as she embraced them in the arms. 

"Honey, I'm so, so sorry about what happened, I promise you we are not the ones using you,"

"I get it dad, Emma explained it," she smiled as Emma looked around. 

"Okay where did Regina go?"

"She went off on her own, said if the other princess wont talk then she will find answers on her own,"

"I'm sorry mom, really I am,"

"Why are you sorry sweetie?"

"Well because I refuse to give away Pan's location, he's my husband and I seriously dont want harm done to him,"

"I understand Veronica, I do and if I were in your shoes honey I would have done the same, to protect the people we love, but we really need to get Henry back, maybe if you lead us to his camp where they taken him, its technically not saying where they are," her mom says as Veronica shook her head. 

"Its still the same thing mom, I-I cant,"

"You know she wont," Peter said as they looked up to see Pan floating in the air with a smirk on his face. 

Charming was the first to move Veronica back behind him. 

"You wont get answers out of my wife there that you have hiding behind you, she's loyal to me and the lost boys, the only way to find your son is if you embrace who you truly are Emma Swan, that map I gave you leads you straight to him,"

"Why are you here? You said we had a couple of days with Veronica,"

"Yes I did, but Regina tried to hurt the one thing I love most in this world, now I'm calling it off and she returns to me,"

"Wait! Regina is no longer here she took off! Please you've had her all of your life, the game is still on," Snow White said determination in her voice. 

"Well, lets lead it up to Veronica," he said as The others look back at her. "Well darling, do you want to spend more time with the people who only want to use you or do you want to come home with me and Felix who raised you to be who you are today?"

"Veronica sweetie listen to me, you dont have to go back to Peter Pan," her mom says rubbing her arms up and down.

"Your mother is obsoletely right, Veronica we have been waiting for a very long time with you, please, I love you," Her dad says looking at her deep in  the eyes. 

Veronica sighed before looking down. She gently pushes her mother to the side as she looked up at Peter Pan.

"Peter, I- I want the game to continue, Its okay honey they wont hurt me,"

"Are you sure love?" He asks floating down as he placed a hand on her cheek.

She nodded her head with a smile. 

"I think I'm really starting to like them, and Emma is always going on about Pizza or burgers back in her world and Peter I've never had any of that before,"

He could help but sadly smile. He was afraid this would happen. He sighs. 

"Love, I love you and please forgive me," he said as she looked confused before sprinkling dust in her face causing her to collapse in his arms. 

"VERONICA! NO! YOU CANNOT TAKE HER! YOU SAID A FEW DAYS PAN!" David yelled as Peter carried her into her arm as he floated away. 

"I cannot afford those visions becoming true, I cannot afford to lose my Veronica to you lot, I will be taking care of her for now on as I had always been, she will forget you were even here when she wakes up,"

"NO! Your going to make her forget us? That's keeping her from her family," Emma sad with wide eyes. "YOU BRING HER BACK NOW!"

"No can do Swan, if you need me I shall be at a place, a place where you will never see your daughter and sister again,"

"NO! NO! NO VERONICA!" All three yelled at the same time as Peter Pan carried her away.

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