22. (Finale)

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Taking the magical spring waters with them until Gold can find a cure everyone boarded the Jolly Roger. Everyone including the lost boys and Peter Pan, as well as Henry and her sister, mom and dad. 

Everyone was surrounding Veronica, she felt loved and comforted when they hugged her and asked her if she was okay for the millionth time. 

"You know you can now properly age, wouldn't it be weird to be married to a 17 year old boy once you become 28?" Emma asked causing Her to giggle. 

"No, as long as we still have the magical spring waters we can stay as young as we want to,"

"Really?" She asked raising her eyebrow. 

Veronica nodded her head as her mom came up to her and cupped her cheeks. 

"I'm so glad that your returning home with us Veronica, you'll be so welcomed and loved in Storybrooke," 

"I'm nervous mom, I've never stepped foot into another land before,"

"I know sweetie, but I will be with you every step of the way," she said kissing her forehead. 

She smiled at her before walking off as David was next to come up to her. Tears pricked his eyes as he gave both his daughters a hug, one he never thought he'd get to do. 

"Dad," Veronica said hugging him back tighter. 

"I'm just glad your okay, both of you," He said pulling away. "Its good to have you home Veronica,"

Once her dad left she yelped as she was grabbed onto the waist by none other than Peter Pan.

"Peter," she giggled as he kissed her cheek.

"I started to get lonely with everyone's attention on you," he smirks causing her to put her head on his shoulder.

"You know whatever visions I gave you were wrong..... You were able to change the outcome,"

"Yes I understand and I'm glad I did, as although I think I rather have you leave than almost dying in my arms," he said as she turned to look at him arms wrapping around his neck.

"Hey, Peter I'm here now, Im with you, I'm always with you," She said with a smile on her face. 

"Hey, lets get one thing straight," Emma began looking directly at Pan. "If you so much as break my little sister's heart, I will shoot you as many times as I have to to make sure your dead," She threatens causing Peter's eyes to widen. 

"Your sister is-"

 "Just protective," She said leaning to kiss him on the lips causing Emma to turn away disgusted. 


Gold ended up finding a cure for her, like he promised. Peter Pan was growing just like Veronica was. 

"MOM! DAD!" Their three year old daughter Valentine yelled jumping on the bed waking them both up. 

"Valentine its like 6AM." Peter mumbled in his deep sleep.

"Yeah but I want to see Grandma and Grandpa, and Aunt Emma and Uncle Henry and Uncle Neal!"

That's right several years ago her parents ended up having another baby. They weren't too fond of Pan at first but they eventually liked him in the end. As for the lost boys, well they went all over the globe the only one who stayed behind was Felix. Only because he was the one who raised Veronica and cant exactly part with her. 

"Alright, road trip we go," She said getting up only for Peter to pull her back down as she laughed. 

"Peter!" She exclaimed as a smile broke on his face. 

"Did you think you were leaving without so much as a goodbye kiss?" He pouted as Valentine gagged. 

"Ewwww mom, dad, I dont need you two kissing in front of me!" She said causing both to laugh.

This is where Veronica needed to be, throughout challenges they face she knows that with her and Peter Pan working together they can save the small town known as Storybrooke. Seeing Veronica die in his arms that fatal day changed Peter, and it changed for the better. He didn't want to live a life where Veronica wasn't in it. He would have gave into the darkness if she had died that night, the outcome would have been extreamly different for everyone involved. 

But he's glad it didn't happen that way and that he got his Veronica back. Peter Pan found his happy ending, and his happy ending was with Veronica, Valentine and Felix. 

Nothing was going to change that as he sat up in the bed smiling as his daughter was rambling on. 

This was where Peter Pan was meant to be. 

This was his home. 

And this was his happy ending. 

END Thanks to those who stuck around it has now been completed! But I do have Killian Jones And She was just really ran out of ideas for this one lol

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