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"You can come out now," Peter says as Veronica gave out a confused look.

It made sense with Snow White and Prince Charming came out of the bushes. Snow White was the first to sigh as she looked at her husband.

"We can't do this, David they love each other it's too late, it would be wrong to try and take her away from him,"

"But she's our daughter, we never had any time with her, and Emma expects us to have her back in our hands,"

"I won't leave with you," Veronica announced breaking up the argument about her. "My vow belongs to Peter he's so scared that I'll leave him but I won't my place is here. I get it he kidnapped me, lied to me and used a spell on me but we were never going to work I'm 28 years old trapped in an 18 year old body I have everyone I love right here why would that change for people I met for 5 minutes?"

"Why can't we both take you back with us? Veronica as your father it tore me to pieces when you left, It was always a void without you,"

"And how do you think I feel? I learned that my parents abandoned me for years I thought they didn't want me, that I was a mistake-"

"You are not a mistake Veronica, we would never think that, you and Emma are twins I only got to hold both of you for a minute before everything happened the way it did, you were supposed to have gone in the wardrobe with your sister, not in Neverland you could've had each other while you found us 28 years later," Snow White said moving closer to her.

"We love you Veronica just as much as we love Emma, you need to come home with us, all of you, Pan you can be welcomed into Storybrooke if you just stop this, you can take the spring water with you the one that keeps you immortal we just want our daughter," David said trying to negotiate with him.

"What does Storybrooke have to offer me?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Everything, you can still do whatever you want with no rules and no parents, we can help get you and the lost boys a home, that way you won't be separated, you and Veronica can still be together,"

"We missed out on her life please let us be in it," Snow said a tear falling from her eyes.

"It's all up to you sweetheart, I will follow you wherever you go," Pan said crossing his arms looking over at her.

"I do wanna get to know them," she admits. "Will we all be happy in Storybrooke?"

"Yes, that be true, we all will," David said a smile on his face silently praying his daughter would agree with them.

Veronica thought about it as she looked between Pan and her new found parents. She sighed as she smiled, but that smile quickly turned into a gasp as Charming and Snow White had horrified looks on their faces as her blood spilled on Pan's cheek who also has a horrified face.

Behind her stood the dark one and Regina in all of their glory as the dark one had a sword laced with dream shade embetted into her stomach.

"You won't be going anywhere," he whispered into her ear before pulling the sword out.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! NO! VERONICA!" Pan yelled catching her before she fell.

"P-P-Peter," she said a shocked look on her face as blood seeped out before him.

"NO! NO VERONICA NO! WHAT DID YOU DO?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" He screamed out at Rumplestiltskin who only smiled as he stood back up.

Thunder and lightning began to flash before them as Pan's emotions spiraled out of control as he saw his once beautiful wife who was standing next to him now covered in blood.

Lightning struck the trees causing it to be on fire as tears ran down his face.

"VERONICA!" Snow White yelled as her and Prince Charming dropped everything and ran to her daughter.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Pan shouted cradling her in her arms.

"You once took something from me, and now I took something from you, your beloved wife, call it retribution now we don't have problems together,"

"And I'll ring the only place that has the cure with fire if you don't tell me where my son is,"

He looked down at her as she was coughing up blood the blood leaking on the once white sand that stained red.

"D-dont tell them.... P-P-Peter," she struggled to say blood gurgling down her chin.

"I have to Veronica I have to, I can't let you die,"

"B-but then we- we can't-"

"Don't talk I'll fix this Veronica I promise you'll be okay!" He shouted as rain began to pour down, the once calm waters began to rise back in forth.

"Tick tock dearie! Or else she's going to die and so will your immortal spring," Rumplestiltskin said as Peter looked at him with pure hatred in his eyes.

A/N: no, Peter and Rumple are not father and son, frankly that didn't make much sense to me so they are bitter enemies in this book please vote and comment thank you much appreciated 😃

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