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Peter Pan and Veronica were in his bed, naked underneath the sheets panting.

"That was amazing darling it's been awhile since we did that," he commented kissing her nose as she giggled.

She laid her head on his bare chest with her legs wrapped around his.

"Peter you never told me," she said tracing circles on his chest.

"Mhmmm told you what love?" He asked nearly falling asleep.

"Who was I going to leave you for?" She softly asked causing him to flinch.

He sighed as no use in hiding it now.  He covered his eyes with his arm.

"Your family," he says causing her eyes to widen. "Apparently one of these days they will be here to Neverland, you leave me for them,"

"So, you know who they are?"

"I do not, all I know is in the vision you said you had a twin sister and mom and dad,"

"I have a twin sister? No way! I bet she's an actual adult! Oh man can you imagine if we-" Veronica started excited but the look on Pan's face said otherwise.

He looked like he was sad as his eyes were casted downwards, a frown attached to his face.

"So you do want to leave me," he whispered his heart already breaking as his eyes got glossy.

"No, no, no, no no Pan listen I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten excited. Baby I'm not leaving you nor will I ever for any reason," Veronica vowed as she placed both hands on Peter's face but he had a far away look in his eyes.

Peter Pan sat near the beach his legs pulled up with his head rested on them. He lost her, he just lost the love of his life, it felt like the world was spinning, that he couldn't breathe, that his heart was hurting. She chose People she never been in contact with until recently over him.

Peter was upset, he was broken as tears made it's way to his eyes. He doesn't cry for anyone.

Angrily he wiped them away as he stood up and glanced at his finger where the ring laid.  Peter took it off as he was going to throw it in the ocean, but stopped and hesitated.

"You still love her, she maybe gone but you still love her," Felix said walking up to him.

"It hurts that's for bloody sure, she's a traitor she left me for people she doesn't even know her dad tried killing me when I wanted to explain to her but she wouldn't even look at me,"

"Why are you still holding onto the ring? Are you finished with Veronica for good?"

"No, no I'm not and I'm going to find her in the new land that they are in and I'm going to bring her back here if it is the last thing I do," he said putting the ring back on his finger. "She is my wife and nobody will take her from me, especially not the Charming's," he growls before everything faded.

Peter blinked several times to see Veronica hovering over him with a worried look cast in her eyes.

"Peter you blacked out suddenly I was so worried about you, was it another vision? What did you see?" She asked as Peter had a frown on his face.

He gently nudged her off him as he placed back on his clothes.

"Peter?" She asked confused with his actions.

"I have to go love, I shall return though," he said kissing her on the cheek before flying off.

Peter Pan landed where the lost boys was as they were practicing on fighting.

"Listen up boys Veronica plans to leave us!" He yelled to get their attention as they gasp.

"Why would she?" a lost boy asked anger in his voice.

"We raised her, protected her, made sure she had a home!" Another yelled as others cheered 'yeah'.

"I thought you two loved each other?" A third one yelled out.

"QUIET! Apparently in visions she is leaving me for her family, people she doesn't even know that goes by the name Charming's. And on that note we have to stop anyone from coming in and out of the island, I refuse for my Veronica to leave me for strangers!"

"How do we suppose we do that Pan?" Felix asked walking up to him. "she's just as important to me as she is you," he said causing him to roll his eyes out of jealously.

"She has magic, we put up a protection spell around the Island that way we are safe with no way of anyone to break it but her, I will do my part in convincing her but once the spell is up no one can leave this island and no one can enter in, any complaints?" He asked hands on his hips as everyone shook their heads.

"Good we get started immediately the more frequent these visions become the more I suspect they will arrive sooner rather than later," he said before walking away from them.

Peter Pan's Wife (Peter Pan OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now