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"There just up there is the base of the camp," Peter said as he moved a leaf out of his way. 

"See, all it took was wounding his beloved, and then he leads us to where we need to go," Rumple said to Regina. 

"Trust me I tried that already, Charming's kept interfering when I tried to incinerate her," She said causing Peter to stop walking. 

"Why have you stopped? Nobody told you to do so," She said as Peter had an evil smirk on his face. 

"Because if you think you can harm my wife and get away with it you are wrong BOYS!" He shouted as his men hollered and wooped as they came out from the trees and bushes surrounding them. "See we have a rule mate, never touch my wife, and seeing as how you did, well expect death to come upon you,"

"Mom?" Henry asked appearing out of the bush.

"Henry!" Regina said happy to see him. 

"Henry, your mother killed your aunt," Peter said in an upset voice turning to show the blood that was all over him. 

Henry's eyes widened in disbelief. 

"No, she wouldn't she came too far to-"

"Henry, she stabbed her in the back with a sword laced with Dreamshade, wouldn't let me save her, demanded I take you to her or she would incinerate her,"

"Mom is this true?" Henry asked with a horrified look on his face. 

"No Henry don't listen to him it wasn't me who did that," She said going to reach him but he moved away. 

"You killed aunt Veronica, I barley got the chance to know her, your a monster! How could I ever believe that you would ever change?!" He shouted before running off. 

"HENRY! WAIT!" Regina shouted going to run after him, but Pan put a hand on her shoulder. 

"If you think your going somewhere you are wrong, Kill them," Pan ordered out. 

"WAIT! PETER! I'M ALIVE!" A voice yelled from above as he looked to see Veronica and David flying in the air holding hands. 

"Veronica!" Peter yelled happily as he released Regina causing her to run after Henry as he floated upwards meeting her halfway as the two embraced each other. 

"Thank Heavens your okay, I was so worried about you,"

"I am Peter, thanks to my dad, although I did die but he brought me back to life! I had to let you know I was ok!" she said with a happy smile on her face as Peter smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. 

Veronica melted into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. A cough could be heard from behind them causing her to pull away and giggle her head landing on his chest. 

"You were really going to make out in front of her father?" David asked with raised eyebrows. 

"Oh I've done much more than make out with your daughter mate," he says smirking as Veronica's eyes widened while David sent a glare that could kill his way. 

"Are you crazy?! Dont go spilling secrets to my dad!" She exaggerated as Peter laughed. 

"I love the embarrassment on your face darling, Let's go,"

"Go where?"

"Home, to Storybrooke, I almost lost you today and it frightened me thinking if you were alive or if you were dead, I want nothing like that to happen ever again,"

"Really? Oh thank you so much Peter! I get to know my family!" She giggled  causing him to laugh as they floated back down. 

Once her feet touch the ground David walked over to Gold as he grabbed him by the shirt. 

"How dare you almost kill my daughter you psychopath!" He yelled furious. 

"I did what needed to be done dearie,"

"Don't you use that! I COULD HAVE LOST HER! Now, now I NEED you to find a cure for her! So she doesn't have to remain trapped on this island! Are you able to do that?! You owe her this!"

"Alright dearie fine, I admit maybe I went a little too far,"

"You think so? Because my daughter's blood is all over me and Pan as well,"

"I said I'll do it, just bring the spring water with us so we can leave,"

"Peter are you really ready to leave Neverland?"

"Yes my dear I will go wherever you are,"

"Oh gosh! My mom, my sister! They are worried sick about me! I have to go and let them know im alright oh and my nephew where's Henry?" She panicked causing Peter to laugh. 

"My Darling its alright, Charming stay here I'm going to gather everyone up and I give permission for all of us to leave the island," He says floating up in the air again with Veronica tightly in his arms. 

"Wait! Where are you going with my daughter?!" He yelled out causing him to smile. 

"To her mother and sister of course mate, we all meet back here, and we can leave,"

A/N: Killian Jones Fanfic is out, last chapter is the next one it was a short story honestly lol just wanted to see how i would do making a OUAT fanfic outstanding performance 

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