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Veronica Pan kissed Peter one more time before sitting up in the sheets naked, panting and sweaty. 

"I swear I never grow tired of this," he says panting himself as Veronica went to grab her clothes. 

"You are an animal Pan, that much I can agree on," She giggles causing him to chuckle. 

"To be fair you pounced on me for a minute there, I love seeing my woman in control of me," 

"Well perhaps I should do it more often then," She said once she finishes putting on her clothes. 

"And where do you think your going dear?"

"Im going to go wash up in the springs,"


"Well you have stuff to do here dont you?"

"That I do but-" He hesitated as she giggled again before running over to him and kissing him on the lips. 

That shut him up instantly as he grabbed her waist and pulled her down. She laughed as he turned her over as noses touched each others. 

"Careful love, we might go for round two," he says smirking before kissing her as he got up off of her. 

"I wouldn't mind a round two if I didn't want to bathe right now,"

"Alright, Alright go on ahead, please if anything happens to you, yell for Me,"

"Peter Pan I have extortionary powers, I'm more than capable of protecting myself love,"

"Oh I know my darling but please just yell for me, I will be by your side," He says once he finishes getting dressed as he kissed her on the forehead. 

The two finally left their quarters as Felix and the lost boys were talking or walking around. 

"Aunt Veronica!" A younger boy who she never met before yelled as He hugged her by the waist. 

Confused she pushed him away as Henry had a hurt look on his face. 

"Why are you hugging me? And I am not an aunt, I have no family besides Felix and the lost boys, got the wrong person kid,"

"What did you do?!" Henry screamed out at Peter. 

He only smirked as Veronica stepped in front of him to make sure the kid doesn't try to hurt him. 

"Hey, back off kid I mean it, Felix take care of him please,"

"What would you like me to do Mrs. Pan?"

"Take him and keep him away from Peter, he thinks Peter did something,"

"Understand, lets go kid," Felix said before dragging him away. 

"No wait! Stop Peter did something to Aunt Veronica! She doesn't remember me!" he shouted trying to get out of his grip. 

"Peter, what is he talking about?" Veronica asked as turning to face him. 

"Darling I do not know nor do I know why he called you aunt in the first place, your family betrayed you. They never came back for you,"

"Right.... No need to remind me honey, I will be off and I will be okay," She smiles as Pan still had a worried look in his eyes. 

"Hey, stop worrying about me okay? I love you,"

"I love you too my darling, now go before I drag you back into our quarters and go for round two,"

She giggled before blowing him a kiss to which he pretended to catch and put it in his pocket as she started her journey to the springs. 


Snow and the others were now trying to find Tinkerbell to see if she can lure them into Pan's camp. Hook was leading the way until a sound of humming could be heard from a distance causing everyone to have weapons out and ready to fight. The bushes rustled and out came Veronica herself who looked confused as she stood before a new group of people. 

"Veronica!" Emma was the first to say happy to see her. 

But a frown was soon replaced as she tilted her head to the side in confusion. 

"Do I know you?" She asks as the others put away their weapons. 

"Umm.... No.... Sorry you look like someone from my past I must have got it mixed up, I'm sorry," Emma says fake smiling as Veronica nodded. 

"Well if it makes you feel better my name is Veronica actually, Veronica Pan," She said reaching her hand out to grab Emma's. 

"Emma Swan, this is David and Mary Margret, and that's Hook over there," she introduced causing Veronica to smile. 

"HOOK!" She shouted running to him as she tackled him into a hug. 

Hook smiled and laughed as he twirled her around. 

"Oh there she is! Look how grown you become! What are you 32 now?" He teased as she giggled. 

"No, I'm 18 well 28 but you get the point," she laughs as he ruffles her hair. 

"What are you doing out here by yourself? Where is Pan?"

"Back at camp, I was headed towards the springs to take a bath after.....ummmm-" she trails off blushing on her face. 

David began twitching his eye as he balled his hands into fists and Mary Margret had a look of shock in her eyes as the two looked over at each other. 

"I dont think a lass such as yourself should be out here alone,"

"I will be fine Hook,"

"Listen, before you go, think you can point the direction of Pan's camp for me?"


"Were looking for my son and my sister," Emma said as Veronica sighed. 

"I really wish I can help you but I was sworn to secrecy on our wedding night never to disclose our location to anybody, I respect my vows," 

"I know but.... right now if positions were reversed wouldn't you do anything you could to have your kid and sister back?"

"Yes but-"

"Please Veronica help us,"

"I cant..... I'm sorry," she said before moving past them heading to the springs still. "It was nice seeing you again Hook,"

"Veronica wait!" Emma says. "Listen, I lied to you earlier, the truth is you are the sister I am looking for,"

"I'm what?" She asked shock filled in her voice and to think all she wanted was a bath.

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