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"Vision? What the hell is he talking about?" Emma asked turning to face her parents as David sigh.

"I might know, when Veronica was just a newborn she touched my face and gave me a vision of her and Pan's wedding,"

"Wait our daughter can see the future?" Snow asked just as shocked as Emma.

"I only saw it once before the shadow took her, but in a sense I believe she does,"

"Should we continue the search for Henry or bring Veronica back?"

"Emma..... We know that Henry is our top priority but-"

"You want to get to Veronica before Pan does, I get it, Hook and I will go see Tinkerbell you and Charming go get my sister back," She said as Snow smiled and went to hug her daughter.

"Thank you for understanding we've waited so long for her,"

"I get it, I have too now go Pan flys you know,"

"Right thanks," she said as her and Charming started to run in finding Veronica.

Veronica was in the springs floating above water as she watched the sky and the sun. After she disappeared she reappeared to find herself near the springs where she took her clothes off and got in the bath.

She didn't know what to think and quite frankly she didn't care at the moment. At the moment she was enjoying her bath just as she was now swimming around and had ducked her head underneath the water.

A smile was on her face as she was peaceful when she popped her head back up. However it was too good to be true for Veronica as she screamed when something suddenly wrapped itself around her foot and dragged her under.

She had turned to see it was none other than a mermaid as Veronica opened her mouth water getting into her lungs as the mermaid screeched at her while taking her down.

Her vision was getting blurry but just before she closed her eyes she could have sworn she saw something green as he hissed back at the Mermaid and kicked her off of her as the mermaid grew frightened and let go of Veronica.

Pan swan back up as he gasped for air as he swam them to shore.

"Come on love breathe!" Pan shouted pumping her chest.

No results as she laid in the sand eyes closed not able to hear Peter desperately trying to save her. He held her nose as he placed his lips on hers breathing air into her lungs.

"LOVE! OPEN YOUR EYES! WAKE UP VERONICA!" Pan screamed as he tried one more time to bring life into her once again he had tears in his eyes, his face full of horror as his heart was beating hard out of his chest.

And in that moment that was when she did it. When she coughed up the amount of water she had in her system eyes popping open.

"Love! Veronica thank God!" Peter said sitting her up as he held onto her tightly as she still tried to gain her breath.

"P-Peter what happened?" She asked hugging him back tighter.

"A stupid mermaid tried to drag you down the water, are you okay?" He asked pulling away from the hug as his hands immediately went to her face as his forehead rested on hers.

"Yeah, I'm okay Peter, thanks to you, you saved me,"

"Did you think I was gonna let you drown? Don't ever do that to me again Veronica, I almost lost you," he said placing a kiss to her lips to which she returned.

Pan seemed to hold her closer as the kiss only deepened itself. Veronica was left panting and blushing once it was over.

"Care to put some clothes on love?" He asked causing her to chuckle.

"How many times have you seen me naked?" She asked causing him to smile as she got up.

"Too many to count love and honestly I love every minute of it but there are other people on this island now besides us couldn't risk them seeing you," he says as she placed on her underwear.

Once she put back on her clothes she turned to look out into the ocean where she almost just drowned in.

"No more going by yourself here love I can't afford to lose you," he said wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

Veronica couldn't help but sigh as she looked out into the seas.

"What is wrong my love?"

"It's..... What they said. It started with Henry calling me Aunt, Emma calling me her sister and now Prince Charming and Snow White are my parents, I just want the truth Peter. Have you been lying to me?" She asked turning around so she can look into his eyes.

Peter sighed closing his eyes afraid of the vision of her leaving him will come true. He backed away from her knowing what is to come.

"Yes, what they say is true. They are your family and I have been lying, I did use a forget me spell you were enjoying Emma too much, you gave me visions of you leaving me for them, I cannot delay the inevitable if you decide you want to leave with them I will not stop you, you deserve to be with family and I have been selfish with you, because I wanted nobody but you to be with me, so I get it. I understand if you want to return home with them," Peter finished getting ready to walk away but Peter was surprised when Veronica ran to him and grabbed him from behind holding his waist with her face buried in his back.

"Thank you for telling me the truth Peter. But I won't leave with them, you are home weather you kidnapped me or not I don't plan on leaving you, ever,"

"Funny because you said the same thing last time as I mentioned you were planning to leave me before as well,"

"And now I say it now as well, I love you Peter I'm not going to leave you for people I don't even know," she said causing him to turn around as his arms were now around her waist.

"I love you Veronica Pan, you are the reason for my existence, without you I cannot live, I cannot be who I am without you by my side," he said placing a hand on her cheek.

"Peter," she said before lips connected with one another unaware that the Charming's were in the bushes watching and listening to them.

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