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Veronica was upset as she stormed to the campfire where the other lost boys was. Tears lingered in her eyes for the confusion Pan had left her, everyone stopped and stared as they watched the girl they all raised with Felix break down crying.

Speak of the Devil he was the first one who went towards her, grabbing her shoulders as he ushered her to sit down on a log away from the others.

"What happened? Y'all were so in love when I left the both of you,"

"I-I don't know he kept rambling on about how I was going to leave him and told me he rather be broken now than later I don't know what's going on Felix!"

"I think I do," he said looking down. "When you were a young one, you used to be able to touch each of our faces and show us a future you with conversations, then you wouldn't know what had just happened, you stopped doing that when you turned 8, but it looks like it popped back up again, Pan must have seen a vision of the future it's the only explanation,"

"The future?" She questioned confused causing Him to sigh.

"So it would seem you don't know what you show him, when you touched his face,"

"I've been touching his face for years I never-"

"Like I said, it stopped when you were around 8 years old," he clarified as she stood up.

"I have to tell Pan that I don't know what I intend to show him," she said getting up and leaving Felix behind.

"PETER! PETER PAN!" She called out as she walked in the woods searching for him. "PETER!" She screeched one more time before he appeared in front of her causing her to scream and fall back.

"You scared me!" She said as he crossed his arms smirking.

"You know I cannot stay mad at you for long when your looking at me like that," Pan said moving closer to a pouting Veronica.

"Pan, I need to tell you something-"

"No, I do. I'm sorry for the way I acted love without telling you anything or why I did, I need to tell you that-"

"I have the power to show you visions of the future. I know because well Felix told me that and I stopped doing it when I was an 8 year old and-"

"It started again. When you showed me visions of the future you plan on leaving me, it's the message that you keep showing me you leave me for them,"

"For who? Peter I'm not seeing the same thing you are in fact I see nothing at all, Felix told me that when I show you guys visions I touch your face and it comes but I cannot see anything,"

"Promise me something lass," Peter said his forehead on hers.

"Anything for you not to be upset with me,"

"Promise me you won't leave me, I can't bare to see someone as beautiful, as precious as you go, you hold my heart as I hold yours, I could die if you leave me,"

"I promise not to leave you Peter for any reason, I love you, you know that right?"

"Yes my darling Veronica, I love you just as much if not more," he said pulling her in for a kiss.

Veronica was 15 years old. She was alone up in a tree house she and the lost boys she calls family has built. This is where she likes to think, to escape for awhile and just be on her own. She has been practicing her magic that she required and was getting good at controlling her energy blasts. Pan has been teaching her. Peter.... She couldn't help but blush at his name, she has developed feelings for him for awhile now but she doesn't know if he felt the same.

"Thought I might find you up here," Peter pan suddenly says startling Veronica.

"You startled me Pan!" She yelled causing him to smirk as he got up on the latter and went to sit beside her.

"What are you doing up here lass?"


"About what?" He asked smirking again causing her to blush.

"Umm..... Nothing important,"

"Come on love you know how long we've known each other, why can't you see just tell me?"

"It's...... It's ummm......"

This caused Peter to laugh.

"You are cute when you act all nervous indeed," he said with a cheeky smile on his face. "Have I told you the Prophecy about us love?"

"Prophecy? What Prophecy?"

"The one where you and I are destined to be with one another, you are meant to be my wife, my salvation, my savior,"  he said getting closer to her face with each word he spoke.

Lips were centimeters apart one touch and the lips would collide. Veronica's heart was pounding in her chest. She was meant to marry Pan, to be with him forever. It's what she wanted she didn't care about any of the consequences that were to come.

"How do you know?" She breathed out looking into his eyes and glancing at his lips.

"When I went to skull rock I asked it who my wife would be in the near future," he says pulling away from her to pull out a drawing.

Veronica took the drawing as it looked exactly like she does now.

"Thats me," she whispered looking back up at Pan.

"Yes darling it is you,"

She smiled before crashing her lips on his. She wasn't thinking as she suddenly pulled away shyness taking over.

"Umm Im sorry about that,"

"Don't be, my little flower," he said cupping her face in his hands as he pressed his lips gently on hers.

And Veronica felt like she was in heaven.

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