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Veronica Pan smiled as she looked out into the sea waters. Veronica was 18 years old, supposed to be 28 years old but in Neverland you never age or grow up to be an adult.

She stopped growing the moment she turned 18, stopped aging all together.  She married Peter Pan as Prophecy states and she couldn't be happier with him, although she has been wondering about her real family and why they didn't want her.

"Your thinking again," The voice of Peter was heard as she turned to see him smiling and walking up to her. "You've been doing it alot," he said coming towards her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Oh.... You know me Pan I like to come out here and think," She chuckled as they watched the ocean seas together.

"What about?" He asked kissing her neck as she tilted her head to give him more access.

"My family," she responds causing him to pause. "Why didn't they want me?" She asked fully turning around to face him as she searched his eyes.

Peter's eyes softened as he placed a hand on her cheek.

"My dear your family abandoned you, I can't explain as to why but we are your family now, me, Felix and the other lost boys. We raised you to be who you are today, are we not enough?"

"No.... You are it's just... I can't help but wonder you know I love all of you and I couldn't be more grateful that you raised me but just one day I want to see or at least know who my parents are or if I have siblings and-"

Peter cut her off with a kiss to her precious lips, to which she responded by wrapping her arms around his neck as his arms were placed on both her hips. Lips pressed together as it always felt like it fit like a piece of a puzzle. Peter was the first to pull away as a blush crept on her face.

"What was that for?" She asked breathlessly.

"To calm you down and it worked, look Veronica all that matters is that your here with me and the lost boys, were the only family you need we won't let anything happen to you and I promise to always protect you and love you,"

"Oh Peter I feel the exact same way," she says hugging him as her face buried withing his chest. "Thank you for always caring and loving me,"

"Of course Mrs. Pan, I wouldn't want it any other way," he said going to lean into kiss her again but a voice interrupted them.

"Am I interrupting something?" The voice of Felix asked walking over towards them.

Veronica sighed pulling away from Peter who rolled his eyes.

"What is it Felix? Someone better be dying for you to interrupt me and my wife,"

"Thought I could steal her away for awhile from you, to hang out with the crew,"

"And why on Earth would I allow you to do that?" Peter asked getting in Felix's face who smirked.

"Because I couldn't help but over hear the conversation about family, you keep her to yourself 24/7 she's probably lonely, and besides if I recall you did entrust me to look after her for 18 years,"

"Technically terms speaking Felix I'm 28 years old I just stopped aging at 18," Veronica corrected him as Felix gave her a nice smile.

"Alright but its up to Veronica," Peter said grabbing her arm and dragging her to his side.

"Veronica, would you wish to spend some time with me or give it to the lost boys?" He asked raised eyebrow as Veronica looked between the two.

"I rather spend it with you Peter," she said causing him to smirk.

"And there you have it, she chose me over you so goodbye Felix, don't come back unless I ask or need something of you," he said as Felix turned to walk away glancing at Veronica one last time.

Veronica sighed turning to sit back down on the sand with Peter going after her.

"Peter, can I ask you something?"

"What is it my love?" Peter asked grabbing her hand in his as he looked at her in the eyes.

"I've been noticing..... You and Felix have a strain in your relationship can I ask why?"

Peter sighed knowing this day would come for her to ask that question.

"Well that's simple dear, Felix has feelings, feelings of love for you,"

"He raised me with the lost boys?! Why on Earth does he love me?!"

"He wanted it to be kept secret, but I found out about it and almost killed him for it, that is where our strain in our friendship is on the line,"

"Peter..... You know I only have eyes for you don't you?" She asked touching his cheek as she searched his.

Peter Pan suddenly went silent his eyes casted over as a vision enveloped him.

Peter Pan sat alone on a log near a campfire. He hasn't felt this much regret, this much sorrow in a long, long time. It feels like his heart been ripped from his chest as he stared at the flames of the fire.

"She will come back," the voice of Felix could be heard as he sat down with him. "You've spent too much time together, so much love between you two, she's not gonna throw that away for her family,"

"She already has, Felix I've never felt this before, I feel so.....-"


"Yeah..... And heart broken,"

"Where is she now?" He asked raised eyebrow.

"Oh the bloody ship going home,"

"No, go after her Peter.  You've built up much together don't let that go,"


"Now Peter before it's too late!" He shouted as Peter couldn't help but smile.

"THANK YOU FELIX!" He yelled before flying away.

"PETER!" Veronica shouted looking at him in the eyes.

Her hands were on both cheeks looking with worry and concerned. Peter's eyes widened placing both hands on her wrists pulling them back.

"Peter?" She asked slowly as he backed away from her.

"You plan to leave me the first minute you get the chance," he whispered confusing her more.

"What? Peter I-"

"Stay away, I rather get broken now than later," he said turning and walking away leaving Veronica confused behind.

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