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Emma sighed seeing the shock expression on her sister's face.

"Look, you were with us yesterday when Pan took you and casted a forget me spell, your real name is Veronica Swan, you were abducted by Pan's shadow and been here since, mom and dad are standing right behind me," she said pointing to them as her eyes flickered back over to them before her gaze landed on Hook.

"Hook, is this true?" She asked wanting him to clarify. 

"Afraid that it is darling, I'm so sorry love,"

"No, No this cant be true, I've been abandoned, my family threw me in the ocean where Felix found me in a box of all places, he and the lost boys kept me and took them as their own, when I first turned 18 Peter asked my hand in marriage after being together since I was 16, it was prophesized that we were to be together forever he wouldn't lie to me, he didn't know who my family even was," she says panicking in her voice.

"Sweetie Pan lied to you honey, he took you the moment he had the chance,"

"Your mother is right Veronica, before I could put you in the wardrobe with your sister he stole you from me," 

"No! NO YOUR LYING! STOP LYING!" She yelled grabbing onto her head. "I HAVE NO FAMILY!" She panicked as her magic started spiraling out of her.

Light began to shoot out of her body as a tree branch fell off a tree. 

"EMMA!" Hook yelled going to rescue her as he pushed her out of the way.

"VERONICA- AHHH!" Snow White was next to yell as light was headed her way but she dodged it.

"VERONICA YOU HAVE TO STOP!" Emma Yelled out to her sister. 

"NO! I CANT CONTROL IT! I CANT CONTROL WHATS HAPPENING! I'M SCARED! PETER! PETER PAN!" She shouted just as he showed himself and took a look around what has happened. 

"Veronica, Veronica come here," He said pulling her into his arms as she cried into them her power absorbing back into her body.

It was no longer out of control as she held on tight to her husband. 

"What happened darling? I thought you were going to the springs?"

"I-I-I was and then I ran into these people who tried to get me to tell them your location, I wouldn't do it and she started spilling nonsense how they are my family and that you lied to me!"

"Veronica listen to me honey, have I ever lied to you before?" He asked looking into her eyes that had tears running down them. 

She sniffed as he wiped them away from her face. 

"No," She finally answered after a few minutes looking up at him with the love that he craved in her eyes. 

"Good, so why would I lie to you now?"

"SON OF A BITCH! QUIT LYING TO MY DAUGHTER!" David shouted as Snow White had to hold him back from lunging at him. 

"My dear these people are lying to you, to separate us, they are using you because you are my Wife and you know where the camp is residing, they are spilling nonsense about being your family just to get to Henry,"

"Veronica you dont honestly believe that do you? Look at you and I we look just alike sweetie, please come home to us sweetie," Snow White said as Peter gripped onto her arm causing her to turn her attention to him. 

"Dont listen to them they are lying to you Veronica, they want us separated,"

"No your the only one lying mate if you truly love her you would tell her the truth!" Hook said glaring at Peter. 

"NO!" Veronica yelled as a bolt of light energy erupted from her body as a wave of magic pushed everyone including Peter Pan back. 

Peter groaned as he landed hard on the pavement below him. 

"That bloody hurt," He said getting up only to find Veronica missing. 

"YOU ASSHOLE!" David shouted before lunging at Peter who only floated away from him as David landed on the ground. 

"You lot are extremely annoying, how dare you put doubt into her head?"

"How dare us? You are the one keeping her from us! If you hadn't noticed you know she does want to come to us, but you are being selfish,  and manipulating! You are no good for her! You leave her alone!" Snow White yelled having a bow and arrow out and ready. "Stay away from my daughter!" Snow yelled releasing her arrow. 

Pan smirked as he caught it just before it could pierce his chest. 

"Nice try, but your arrows wont work on me darling, I wonder how Veronica would feel knowing her own mother tried to kill her husband?" 


"Besides what happened to Henry being the first priority? Or have you given up on him since Veronica has arrived? Seems to me you cant focus on one task at a time,"

"Were gonna get her back, my sister and my son, and you will be left here to rot," Emma hissed at him as he smiled. 

"You got fire in you Ms. Swan, I would love to see you try to take the one thing I love most in this world you all will die before I let that vison happen," Pan said before flying away in search of his wife.

Peter Pan's Wife (Peter Pan OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now