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"Honey I have bad news," Peter said storming through there shared room. 

"What is it Peter my darling?" She asked confused and worried.

"People are here, there is a ship coming closer to the island and they are looking for you,"

"What? Why would they be doing that?" She asked panicking as she searched his eyes. 

"My guess it has something to do with those visions I keep having,"

"So, its my family then? They've come for me?"

"Yes, it would appear so my dear, we need a protection spell around the island are you able to put one up?"

"Yes, but if its my family why would we need one?"

"So you do plan to leave then? Everything you told me was a lie on staying with us.... with me?"

"No Peter thats not it! I'm not leaving you for them I could never think upon doing that, but it will answer the reason why,"

"Why what?" He couldn't help but ask looking at her in the eyes. 

"Why they abandoned me and left me while they took care of my sister you claim that I have," she responded having Peter sigh remembering a vision he had so long ago about the argument they had causing her to want to leave in the first place. 

He thinks, that if maybe he tells the truth that she would want to stay. That she wouldn't leave him, he loves her so much it would truly break her. He sighed looking at her in the eyes. 

"Veronica there is something I must tell you about them," he said causing her to look at him in confusion. 

"What do you mean Peter?"

"I-I do know who they are, your family and they didn't abandon you," he said causing her eyes to widen. 

"What?" She asked shock filled her voice. 

But before he could explain more the door to his chambers busted open revealing Felix. 

"Sir we have him, the boy is on the island," 

"The boy?" She asked causing Pan to smile. 

"The heart of the truest believer, Veronica my dear, I must leave for a short while but I shall be back,"

"But our discussion-"

"Can wait," he said giving her a kiss on the lips to which she responded. 

"I love you, and I promise to explain everything when I come back,"

"I love you too Peter, be safe,"

"I will love, always am," he said excitedly as he kissed her again before leaving out with Felix.

Once Veronica knew for sure Peter was gone she got out of bed dressed in her usual outfit which was a black crop top with jeans and tennis shoes. She put on her cloak as she put her hood on. She'd be damned if she won't find out who her family is on her own. Pan knows something and has been hiding it for years after telling her a false tale about her parents leaving her on shore. 

She took another look around to make sure Pan nor his shadow was inside before she took off for the night.

Emma Swan, Snow White, Prince Charming, Captain Hook, and Rumpelstiltskin was all together on the Jolly Roger going to save Henry. Although Emma Swan was shocked to learn that she has a twin sister by the name of Veronica, her parents broke the news to her and how Peter Pan's shadow had stolen her when she was a newborn. 

She sat alone on the deck not wanting to deal with anyone. 

"Emma," Her mom softly calls sitting next to her. "How are you holding up?"

"I just found out I have a twin sister..... How do you think? This whole time we could've had each other, I wouldn't have felt so abandoned and alone, we could have had a life together if Pan's shadow hadn't of taken her, I would've protected her with my life and most importantly I would have had a best friend," she finished placing her hands on her head. 

Mary-Margret sighed as she put her arm around her. 

"Its okay sweetie I know and I'm sorry it happened this way, but I'm sure you two will meet and get along with each other,"

"Don't be so sure love," Hook said coming towards them. "Now everything is starting to come back to me, when I was in Neverland Pan always had this girl around him, with raven black hair, blue eyes, had her face and chin," he claims pointing his hook at Snow White. "Went by the name Veronica, last I saw her she was at least 11 years old, Felix- Pan's right hand man was the one raising her, see he believed that once she becomes of age she will be his wife they might have married already, so many years has gone by, but Swan when you see her she will most likely be stuck as an 18 year old girl,"

"How is this possible?"

"In Neverland, you dont grow up to be of old age, time stops at a certain age, so yes shes your age 28, but in an 18 year old body,"

"How do we kill him? Peter Pan?" She asked causing Hook to chuckle. 

"You don't, and why would you want to?"

"To save my twin sister from him! No way im going to be calling Peter Pan my brother in law,"

"And I'm sure as hell not calling him my son in law after what he did," Prince Charming said as Snow White agrees. 

"You can't kill Pan, the bloody demon is immortal, he already has Veronica, and she sure as hell wasn't going to let her go," Hook says a frown on his face. 

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