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"Stop following me kid," Veronica said anger clear in her voice as she went through the jungle.

"Just stop wait a minute, let's talk this out,"

"What are you? 10?"

"Actually I'm 11, but thats besides the point look I may have just met Peter but he..... He loves you Veronica,"

"If he loved me he wouldn't have kidnapped me and lied to me," she said before stomping away.

"But your all he could talk about during my brief time with him! My wife this, my wife that, how I love her. Pan has real feelings for you and he will be crushed if you left him,"

"Kid you know nothing of us,"

"Actually I do in my storybook you the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, making my mom Emma your twin sister and your my aunt,"

"I have a sister named Emma?"

"Yes, twin sister separated at birth because Pan shadow took you before Your father could put you in the wardrobe with Emma,"

"Veronica," Peter said appearing before her cutting her off the path.

Veronica sighed as she rolled her eyes but stopped walking and placed her hands on her hips.

"What Peter?"

"Give me a chance to explain love, please don't walk away from me,"

"Why did you keep this from me Pan? Knowing how much I wanted to know where I came from?"

"I was going to tell you in our bedroom, but then the heart of the truest believer came and I had to go,"

"And you think I wouldn't be upset? Pan you kept this from me all of my life, why? Why did you keep this from me? From finding my real family?"

"Because," he began looking at her in the eyes, the eyes that was filled with anger, hurt and betrayal.

He hated that feeling, he wanted the look of love in her eyes again.

"Because..... Because I was afraid. I saw it before when you were a newborn, you showed me a vision of this exact day. The exact day you were walking away from me, the exact day when you left me for them. Veronica I'm selfish, and I want you to myself I don't know what to do without you..... I love you Veronica, I couldn't tell you because I knew you'd want to leave me," Peter said his eyes turning red with tears watering.

Veronica sighed feeling guilty over her actions, maybe she was too hard on him, maybe she could forgive him after all he was just afraid that she would leave him. She sighed looking at the tears rolling down his cheeks.  Henry looked back and forth between the two and helped his aunt by pushing her forward causing her to stumble right into his arms.

"Veronica would you forgive me?" He asked snaking his arms around her waist. "I promise to never lie to you again, just please don't leave me,"

"I won't leave you Peter on one condition,"

"Anything," he said searching her eyes.

"Take me to them, I want to meet them but I won't leave with them, the future can change Pan, even if I don't know what I'm showing you but it can change," she said touching a hand on his cheek before leaning in to kiss him on the lips.

Peter melted into the kiss as he let his guard down causing Henry to smile at his aunt and basically uncle in law Peter Pan. After awhile they pulled away to breath as foreheads rested against each other.

"Do we have a deal?" She breathed lips just inches apart once more.

"As long as you promise you won't be leaving with them,"

"I promise," she said kissing him once more before he pulled away.

"Your in luck love, gotta run I'll see you later," he said before kissing her forehead before Pan took Henry away as he looked back at Veronica.

Just then the bushes rustled against each other as a man with short blonde hair and blue eyes came out, a woman with raven black hair and blue eyes came out, a blonde hair older looking woman with blue eyes, a pirate and a black hair brown eyes woman came out all with weapons drawn against each other. Veronica's eyes widened frightened as the raven hair blue eyes woman was the first to come up to her.

"Veronica?" She asked tears in her eyes.

Veronica backed up but tripped over a branch causing her to fall down.

"Who are you?"

"Veronica it's your mother Snow White,"

"And your father Prince Charming," they both said together as tears made it's way to her eyes.

"Mom, Dad," she said getting up as arms were opened wide for her to run into.

A/N: please vote I kinda feel like deleting the story

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