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Veronica groaned awake before she gasped and sat up. She looked around and noticed she was in her shared bedroom with Peter. He was sleeping next to her arms curled around her waist to keep her in place. She blinked trying to remember when she ended up here. Wasn't she elsewhere?

"Good morning love," Peter said kissing her on her bare shoulders. 

"Good Morning Peter," She said turning around to face him as she kissed his nose. 

"Why cant i remember anything from yesterday?"

"What do you mean?" Peter asked tilting his head. 

"I-I dont know it feels like I was somewhere yesterday but where?"

"Well you were out with Felix yesterday remember? You two went out to hunt for food, came back Tired and I carried you up to our room, after you begged me too,"

"Really? Because I don't beg," She chuckles faces inches away from each other.

"Yes, you were saying Peter please, please carry me up the stairs my feet are so tired," he says causing her to chuckle as he mocked her voice. 

"Sounds like something I would say," she says before closing the space as lips met each others. 

Peter smiled into the kiss glad his wife didn't catch him lying in the slightest bit. The kiss got heated when she went to straddle his hips. 

Peter couldn't help but moan as he felt himself growing.

"You wanna play today huh?" He playfully growls sitting up as he held her while she sat on his lap. 

"Depends if your in the mood,"

"Always in the mood for you darling," he says kissing her on the lips as he turned them around so he was on top. 

He leaned down to kiss her on the lips as Veronica wrapped her legs around his waist. 

Back to the others Mary Margret was pacing around. 

"Snow," David tried calling but she didnt answer. 

He sighed before walking up to her stopping her from pacing. 

"What?" She asked like she done nothing wrong. 

"Stop Pacing around please Snow,"

"David, our daughter was taken from us again and she wont even remember who we are, we were so close to bonding and it was taken from us again,"

"I know we will find a way to make her remember, but right now Henry is our top priority,"

"So is our daughter David, I mean look at Emma," she said as Emma was sitting on a log by herself she had a pained expression on her face, unbelieving that Pan would use a forget me spell on Veronica. 

Veronica, it was almost impossible to bring her with them to Storybrooke, if she cant remember them how will she leave with them? Peter Pan is selfish with Veronica, doesn't want to share her not even to her own family. David sighed as he went to sit next to her. 

"How you holding up?" He asked her as she looked at him as a tear ran down her face. 

"I just lost my sister who I just found David, I wanted us to become best friends, to protect her, and I.... I let her down,"

"Hey, hey, don't do that. Its not your fault Emma, nobody knew Pan was going to back out on his own game," 

"Its not about the stupid game David, its about how she wont remember us, or who we are, you heard Pan he used a forget me spell on her and now..... How do we get her home without him?" 

"Emma, is that even possible? To separate Veronica and Pan? I dont think she would easily leave him,"

"Yes he will," Emma said standing up as an Idea popped in her head. "By putting doubt into her head, she doesn't remember us? She doesn't know us? Well we'll make her see, see that we are her family and Pan betrayed her, she already forgave him once but not a second time, she would leave him and come home with us,"

David kissed Emma on the head with a bright smile on his face.

"I'll go tell Mary Margret Emma your a genius," 

She couldn't help but smile. 

"Thanks David, anything to get my sister out of this island maybe once free she can age properly,"

"Yeah she will and you'll be there every step of the way for her as well as us,"

"Well now we got two priorities, getting my sister the hell out of here and saving Henry," she said determination in her voice.

She was going to save the two people that matter to her the most.  And Veronica Swan was coming home with them.

Peter Pan's Wife (Peter Pan OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now