We All Should've Ran

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The world neither ended in a bang

Nor in whispers, but rather

With screams and with blisters

The world set ablaze

Everyone in a craze

Strangers cry,lovers lie

Mammas pray,children may

Try to turn and run away

But its no use

When there is no muse

No one knows

how or why

The sun fell from the sky

No scientists or student

Could tell us why

we are so imprudent

Every aid and every clinic

Tried to mimick

The peace we once had

It was now set aloof

Its no use

This will be the world

For ever and for more.    

We heard the uproar

before we knew

what to conclude

we were all screwed,

we are all doomed

From the day this began

We all should've ran.


Poetry By MeWhere stories live. Discover now