Book of Life

9 1 1

If you had a book

Of your entire life

Etched into thin 

Yellowed pages 

That you could proudly look

At,would you flip to the end?

Would you read the once meaningless words

That now make you you entire

Worth,and tells of every mistake and every accomplishment 

You made while living to the best extent.

Would you still search?

Would you scan the text

And read the mess just to know

Who you become and whos name was the last to leave your tongue?

How old you were when you went,

who you loved,

and what you did would all be there. 

Tell me this, if you knew,

How it ended, would you change it?

Could you change it?

Would you cry with joy,

Or would you sob in pain?

How would you react to you whole life being printed on a once living tree

Holding your entire life

In the palm of its dead branches.


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