This Voice

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If I had this voice what would I do

You see I would speak my mind

'Cause if I held that power to change time

If I had that this strength

It would change the game

Through all of this mess

I would impress

And everyone would listen

They would see me through

They would hear my thoughts

And hear me quite clear

My voice wouldn't quake

My stomach wouldn't ache

And that's what it  takes

To wake

This generation

To make this world

More beautiful

And more suitable

We have turned this planet

Into a horrible habit

Its a broken battlefield

Of scandals

And lies

No one has any time

Because all they do

Is commit stupid petty crimes

So I will rhyme

And share my mind

To make the people realize

They need to open their eyes

And enjoy this beautiful planet

Before they inhabit

The next stupid gadget

That comes along


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