Love is Love

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Love is love

And it surrounds our souls

And our life

Like water working it's way deep into every crevice

The world is made up of love

And I believe love is stronger than any drug

And makes you crazier than any amount of alcohol can oblige too

And the world has far bigger problems

Then boys who kiss boys 

And girls who kiss girls

And those who disagree

Have their values way off course

We use love and who we love as


And I don't understand why

Other insignificant human beings

Have a say in who someone is allowed and not allowed to love

It is none of their business and

We -as a society- need to stop 

Using words like gay as insults

When your only using a words that describs someone

Loving who they love and finally being themselves,

It is no insult

You get no say in who someone loves 

Just as we ourselves have no say in who we love

We will accept people for who they are

Or we will all go down 

In a flash of shame 

For such a disgraceful human race

We will fly the flags and give equal rights to those

And we will all do it without shame

Poetry By MeWhere stories live. Discover now