How The Stars Spend Their Nights

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The stars spend the night

Shining on the lonely water

And whispering wishes to the hot and tired desert.

Singing good night for the well worn mountains

And flowing rain to the old petals

Who didn't think they'd make it to tomorrow.

Their light diming and dying

But no one cares

Because they are to far away

To even see it coming.

Their elequent knowledge

Streaming and never stopping,

Not even to rest.

They are weary and teary

And they fear that this may be the night

That they stop dreaming.

Why waste your light intent

When you can shine on other.

But when this bright star

Burned to its core

It finally remember who it was for,

When its heart finally stopped

No one even offered to speak about this star.

They didn't even notice he was gone.


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