my mind( edited)

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I'm trapped in my mind
And I cant seem to get out
All these words are etched on the walls
Like words carved
On a lonely house halls
Its a lonley place
With no one but myself
and my own little fantasy
Of wealth and health
The dripping of thoughts felt
But never heard
Splash in my head
Shaking it
Harder and faster
Than any others would
It never stops
They never quite seem
To make it into the world
They stay caged in this prison
Until it finally broke
Until it cracked
And it snapped
And I lost all control
Now the words flowing
Like a river of gold
Down and down
Until the world finally shows
Until these silence thoughts
Are screaming loudest
Louder than any
Heard before
And people listen
To this beautiful new sound
For they enjoy new things
And this is the newest of them all
Who would have thought
I had so much in me
Who even dared to believe
I could write so freely
I finally understand
Why they say we are mad
Because I never once understood
How you all can seem so bland
How you fall into line
So perfectly in sync
Like robots programed
Never to miss a beat
Its as if you all
Share the same hopeless dream
Never having your own opinion
Must really be sad
For I'll never know
How that might sound
Because all I can hear
Is the drumming of my people
Uniting as 1
With a million different minds
People like me
Understand one another
But not in a simple way
In one much deeper
We understand their souls
And listen to their hearts
As if they just maybe
Were somehow our own
And we converse
At every ungodly hour
Because we alone
Know our beautiful minds
Never rest
Even in death
We will see each other through
We will shine in the dark
Brighter than noon
And we will fight
For this very right
We might even light
This candle despite
The fact that we could write
Even in the darkest hours of night
No matter the time
Place,age or even year
We will write
With every ounce we have
For it is the thing
Keeping us alive
No matter how old we get
In thousands of years
We will live on
Through these thin little pages
Of words we own
And whished to hear


P.s not much change except the beginning I would really love to hear your opinion on which one you like better♥️♥️


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