The First "I Love You"

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I breath in through my smile

And feel the crisp and sweet air

Fill my desperate lungs.

I open my red lips taller

And they consciously grow wider

With every millisecond that passes.

He is still laughing

His adorable,soft,and pleasant laugh.

Holding his side and leaning to the left,

For we have been laughing like this for

What seems like forever,


At least the 2 years we have know each

Still in a mesmerized daze my tongue

Begins to conspire with my breath,brain,and vocal cords.

It pushes out a word,

a simple one,

But my Brain doesn't stop.

It sends out signals

And without my consent

Two other words follow.

He stops laughing immediately,

He is shocked, scared even,

I realize my mistake,

And just as quickly as the words

Left my mouth I desperately try to take them back.

I stand up and begin to apologize,

over and over.

I don't stop, not until

"I love you too, darling"

Leaves his thin lips.

A soft chuckle escaping soon after.

A sign of relief I didn't know was in me

Claws it's way out.

A soft smile forming on both our lips,

And suddenly we are glowing as bright as the sun,

Knowing the other loves us as much as we love them.


P.S: I should have said this sooner but THANK YOU SO much for over 100 reads!!

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