All This I Could've Done

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You all staring at me like I'm nuts

Just because I had the repugnant guts

To not put up with all of your feral and eternal


You sliced my skin

And question my kin

Because I revealed that I needed to be healed.

I stood up for what I believe was right

Only to be torn down and questioned during the night.

I put up a fight

Because I knew there could be light

But it was useless.

You are all truceless and serve no real excuses

You were completely ruthless and left millions and millions of bruises.

I lay here clueless as to what I did wrong

For I didn't realize that protecting myself

Could be such a crime.

I should have averted my eyes

And let you savagely hunt your futile prize

I could have ignored the cries

And made up all these terrible lies

All this I could have done

I could have played dumb

Acted like I was effortlessly numb to these pouring feelings that left my eyes burning.

I could've shut my mouth and been as quiet as a mouse.

I could've

And I should've

But I couldn't

Because I saw what was happening

And I was wrong to turn back again

So I stood my ground

And I am foolishly proud of what I did

Even if it means I would stand here

Just waiting to be hanged.

They do this to try and make people change

But In the end

They will realized that it was truly just a rigged game-


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