The Way to My Heart

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The way to my heart

Is quite simply


There in no need to make a chart,

And you don't need to be crazy smart.

Just grab my hand,

And admire pictures of the beauty of the land.

Listen to my new favorite band,

And we will stand,

Feeling as lucky as Alice in Wonderland.

We will lie

And read,

Because it makes us feel free.

And we will be poets

And oh,darling, don't you know it!

We will laugh and dance

And just possibly

Prance in a blooming daisy feilds.

We will paint the other's backs

While one takes a peaceful nap.

Maybe you'll draw me reading

Or I'll take a cute picture of you eating.

We will drink iced coffee

Or buy some soft toffy.

Laying in the grass

Admiring a magical mass

Of stars.

Running in and out of jazz playing bars,

Looking and buying unique and vintage cars.

I will paint all you old acoustic guitars

While you sing to me in your dreamy voice.

And you would always be my very first choice.

I will admire your soul, body, and mind

As if they were the most precious

Art of all time


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