The Artist

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Being an artist is hard

Just ask anyone

Who has ever painted


Sculpted,or even spoke

Being an artist takes work

Not in physical work,

Well that too

But im referring to the mental kind

It takes so much work

Just to get the motivation

It takes to make

Those wonderful creations

Because when you don't get it right

When it doesn't look

As perfect as you wish

Your immediate reaction

Is to break down

And crash

Most of the time

Doing anything artistic

Is tremendously stressful

And your brain is a waterfall

Of self doubt

Criticizing your masterpiece

To the point of hate

To the point where you

Would gladly

Watch the yellow and orange

Of that screaming demon

Of heat chew it to ashes



Their are moments

When its just impeccable

When you feel your world

Is an aubade

Like the bright hues of sun

Exploring the depths of your notes

Oh how your floating

When everything in your

Creating speaks to you

Better than words themselves

Oh how artists like myself

Crave these moments

Which I could only describe

As perfect

As artists we need

Ways to express

Not only ourselves

But the world as we view it

So we share our thoughts,

Drawing,painting,and more

To give others a glimpse

Into our crazy,

Colorful world


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