They Say Love Is Blind

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They say love is blind

And I know not to cry

For I knew what he did

But I wasn't blinded

At least not by him

It was more the fact

That he was the match

That was burning for me

They say love is blind

I don't think that's true

'Cause when I Look at him

I knew what to do

I knew he was bad

A monster amongst men

But that didn't bother me

Because I knew it then

I knew we would fall

Oh So very quick

I knew we would break

Just snap like a stick

But I also knew

He was the one

Like a psychic knew

What was to come

He didn't blind me

For I knew all his shame

Every lie

Every promise

And every single name

They say love is blind

But only to those

Who didn't care enough to look

Through every smile

And deep into every lie

They say love is blind

But I knew him

And I knew him through

I knew every detail

Of what I was getting myself into


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