The Boy and the Bird

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The poor little thing,

Bleeding and shivering,

It lies on the cold

Concert of its final resting place.

That is

Until a boy

With blue eyes and brown hair

Spots it
He cradles the small and


Blue feathered bird.

Slowly and surely

He nurses her back to health.

Bandaging her wings,

Warming her body,

And mending her mind.

They soon became inseparable,

Two peas in a pod.

When she was all healed

And all happy,

She began to learn to fly

All over again
Flapping her wings

And feeling the wind in her face.

She explored the world.

And he was happy for the once helpless bird,

Who was now happier than even he.

It was a sunny day when she left,

Not a cloud in the sky,

The world was in full bloom

And the moment she flew out the door

He knew she was never coming back.

Why would she?

She found the world

And he was holding her back from it.

So she did what she had to,

Even if it meant leaving her shining Knight to the wind.

Flapping her bright sea wings

She flew into her new forever

Never looking back

To the house that saved her.

This story isn't about a bird.....


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