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Her legs that bare this weight

That's crushing her deep inside

Like millions of boulders

Thrown up on the shoulders

Of one small girl

The weight is suffocating

This once free willed

And clean slated child.

As delicate as a flower

But strong like a bond,

Was she.

Her care free eyes

Replace with dark,

Stressed and strained

Orbes floating in their sockets of dread.

Her one soft and clean lips,

Now dark and twisted

Into a snarl of a grin.

Her laughing now a sound of pain

And a cry of a warning

Yeilding to those who dare disrupt 

This vivid monster.

She was intelligent, a young Einstein

With a brain as powerful

As a million men.

But with this mind she ruined

Her golden life with a simple

Little slip up,she changed

The whole tragectory of her aim.

A miss fire, was all it was really.

She buried herself that night,

She dug her grave, shoveling dirt

And rocks out of her new habitat of a future

That could only be described as a prison.

And here she will

For the long suffering nights for the

Rest of eternity,lie.Bouldering this regret 

Because it is all she will become as far as anyone is concerned.


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