Chapter 12: The wedding Day

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Chapter 12 Page 55

Everyone in the castle disappeared throughout the building attempting to finish tasks for the wedding. Even Luna, who had spent the morning attempting to decide how she wanted to do her hair or apply cosmetics for this unique occasion. Red entered and gave her a look. Luna starred in the mirror for a long time until she became frustrated that she was unable to style her hair.

"What are you trying to do?" inquired Red when she turned to face him.

"I'm trying to get my hair up and look pretty for our wedding," Luna remarked, raising her gaze.

"How did you get in here?"

He said "I am wanting to see the love of my life. And there is no need for you to do your own hair when we have someone here to help you with everything."

A woman walks in, at first, she didn't recognize her, but later, she did. Red's mother Lucy was the one Luna quickly got up to embrace, telling her to have a seat and that she would assist her. Luna then gave Red a smile before saying,

"Red, you know better than to see the bride before the wedding, now get out of here shoo shoo. Then Lucy spoke.

As soon as Red left the room, Lucy exclaimed, "Now where were we, oh yes hair."

Red made sure everything was proceeding according to plan while standing in another room getting dressed for his tuxedo. As Red had promised, Lucy assisted Luna with everything while she was still in their room getting dressed. 

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