The Meeting

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   Chapter 1 Page 3

Red responded with, "It is ok to talk to me, there is nothing to be afraid of; I won't hurt you or your family."

After careful consideration, Luna shook her head in agreement. She then acted as though she wanted to say something to him, but refrained. As Red placed her hand in his, he felt something stir in him. I know what to do, He thought to himself.

He responded "If I were to offer you something, would you please talk to me?"

She shook her head, yes.

Then he asked " what are some of your favorite things?"

Luna gestured with her hands in a few different ways before deciding on one that she believed would be more understandable for Red. She waved her hands in a gesture resembling a hanging fish.

He said, "ohhh I know what you want, you want a fish, I know where to get you one, come with me."

Then he gave her a quick pat on the head with his palm before taking her hand and guiding her to a small adjacent river.

As they walked through the forest the sounds of birds chirping in the trees above, the leaves of the trees were orange, yellow, some were even red like Red's hair and ears. You could hear the sound of the leaves under their feet crunching. As the walk seemed to be going on and on Luna could hear the sound of the gentle flow of the river. Luna loved the smell of the fresh scent of 

Book 1.  True LoveWhere stories live. Discover now