Wedding planning

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Chapter 9 Page 42

turned away and returned to the castle. Luna walked up the long path to the doors, held Red's hand, and said,

"Let's get inside, I need to sit." Red saw Luna walking and smiled, looking at her.

After they enter together, he puts her on her throne and begins speaking with her. Both of them discussed everything that was crossed off their wedding to-do list. Luna then turned to face Red and remarked,

"I am so excited to marry you and have this child. I can't wait to hold our little one."

Luna washed her body and ate grapes while relaxing in the tub throughout the day when she suddenly started to feel a sharp pain in her stomach. She was yelling at the really painful agony.


"What is wrong miss?" a maid from the hallway said as she hurried in.

"I need the doctor and red, please, please," Luna whispered, taking her hand.

"Red sir Luna needs you, she has been screaming for you, and she needs a doctor quick," the maid interrupted Red as he was speaking to Zach in the throne chamber.

Red said, "Please go fetch the doctor," glancing at Zach.

After that, Red dashed to his room to find Luna seated in the bathtub. 

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